Wannabe Drakkar said:first day of spring would be solar holiday, solstice i think (or kaistice as it would be in magnamund) magnamundians wouldnt have people like christ to base their calendar around so theyd base it on the heavens much like the celts did
First day of Spring is the Vernal Equinox (not a Solstice). The difference is that the Solstices occur on the longest (Summer) and shortest (Winter) days of the year... but the Equinoxes (Vernal and Autumnal) occur on the two days in the year when day and night are perfectly equal.
So, symbolically, the Feast of Fehmarn would occur on the day when the sun finally begins to overcome the night.
This brings up an interesting question, though - if the Kai worship one of the 8 traditional "solar pagan" holidays, do they consider any others special?
The eight days would be the two Solstices, 2 Equinoxes, Beltaine (May Day), Samhain (Halloween), Imbolc/Candelmas (Feb.2nd), and Lughnasadh (Aug 1st).
If the Feast of Fehmarn corresponds with the vernal equinox, I wonder if the other days might have holidays as well?