The Last of the Kai?

Wannabe Drakkar said:
first day of spring would be solar holiday, solstice i think (or kaistice as it would be in magnamund) magnamundians wouldnt have people like christ to base their calendar around so theyd base it on the heavens much like the celts did

First day of Spring is the Vernal Equinox (not a Solstice). The difference is that the Solstices occur on the longest (Summer) and shortest (Winter) days of the year... but the Equinoxes (Vernal and Autumnal) occur on the two days in the year when day and night are perfectly equal.

So, symbolically, the Feast of Fehmarn would occur on the day when the sun finally begins to overcome the night.

This brings up an interesting question, though - if the Kai worship one of the 8 traditional "solar pagan" holidays, do they consider any others special?

The eight days would be the two Solstices, 2 Equinoxes, Beltaine (May Day), Samhain (Halloween), Imbolc/Candelmas (Feb.2nd), and Lughnasadh (Aug 1st).

If the Feast of Fehmarn corresponds with the vernal equinox, I wonder if the other days might have holidays as well?
In Legends of Lonewolf book 9 The Tellings, Lone Wolf, Viveka, Petra and Banedon all agree to meet at the monastary to celebrate all festivals. I don't think it was done in the old kai order tho, fehmarn was the ONE sacred day of the year, it demands a bit so it wouldn't be overdone
oh btw in regards to the generational idea of fehmarn, one problem, if the grandmaster decides it wouldnt be well known to outsiders, how did Vonatar know then? i think fehmarn isnt a matter to be taken lightly and i adhere to it in my campaigns, but i cant stop you from expressing how you see magnamund in your campaigns.
thanks for ur help paranoid obsessive, i don't know the solar festivals very well and i was trying to remember (trying, and failing)
Wannabe Drakkar said:
I don't think it was done in the old kai order tho, fehmarn was the ONE sacred day of the year, it demands a bit so it wouldn't be overdone

Well, while Fehmarn requires all Kai to return to the Monastery for the feast, not ALL holidays need be celebrated in the same way. So, for instance, if there was an Autumnal Equinox holiday, perhaps the Kai would traditionally spend that day in quiet reflection alone, or something like that.

Wannabe Drakkar said:
oh btw in regards to the generational idea of fehmarn, one problem, if the grandmaster decides it wouldnt be well known to outsiders, how did Vonatar know then?

Well, if you have a holiday, where, once a year, every Kai in the world up and disappears for a while, I'm sure at least a FEW people are going to know about it. The Brotherhood of the Crystal Star probably knows about it because, with the Kai gone, it'd be up to them to sort of pick up the slack, as it were.

Wannabe Drakkar said:
thanks for ur help paranoid obsessive, i don't know the solar festivals very well and i was trying to remember (trying, and failing)

De nada. I'm half-Irish, and I went through a "neo-pagan" phase when I was younger (VERY BRIEFLY ~smirk~). So I tend to be aware of the solar holidays.

As a side-note, the actual solar days (Equinox and Solstice) are directly related to the behavior of the sun, and the resultant day-night cycle... but the cross-quarter days (the other four) related almost directly to the planting-harvest cycle.