Gentle Peregrine
Is there hope for a canon-obsessed scmoe like myself? I'm starting a Lone Wolf campaign in a few weeks starring three Kai novices who, with luck and the grace of Ishir and Kai, will grow up to become exemplary Kai Grand Masters and, quite likely, get massacred in MS 5050.
The issue I have is how I'm going to populate the Kai Monastery with appropriate NPCs -- mentors, leaders, and other students. I've already begun the perilous process of creating my own NPCs, but I'm ever wary of seeing a product somewhere down the line that will do that without my help :lol: I've heard of Magic of Magnamund and will begin collecting the various Lone Wolf miniatures, but I'm wondering if the specifics of the Kai order will get details in a future product. Anyone know anything I don't?
The issue I have is how I'm going to populate the Kai Monastery with appropriate NPCs -- mentors, leaders, and other students. I've already begun the perilous process of creating my own NPCs, but I'm ever wary of seeing a product somewhere down the line that will do that without my help :lol: I've heard of Magic of Magnamund and will begin collecting the various Lone Wolf miniatures, but I'm wondering if the specifics of the Kai order will get details in a future product. Anyone know anything I don't?