I have found that most games come down to who is luckier with their crits. Not so much who gets more but who gets the better ones.
As Dennbok mention I have nearly given up on the game entirely due almost exclusively to criticals.
My problems with them are;
1 the likelihood. 1/6 (or 1/3)
2 the spread. (I.e the same chance of -1spd as No more weapons)
3. the difficulty to repair. Specifically having to repair in reverse order received.
4. the “all or nothing” of the results (I.e in raid level and above the damage results (including 65 and 66) and nothings while 16,26,36,46,61 all make a ship nearly useless)
I am currently working on my own crits table that uses a D10 (tens/category) and a D6 (units/result).
So basically it has 1-4 hull, 5-7 engines, 8-9 reactor, 10 critical systems. This should create a better spread with the nasty results happening less.
I should have it ready by tomorrow.