The Dark Horse Conan Sourcebook

Atali's brothers must be vastly overrated in Scrolls of Skelos if a 3rd level Conan was able to kill 2 of them. As it is a King Conan would be hard pressed to kill a single one of them.

Mad Dog
I have to agree here.

Even though I do not see why the mass damage rule would not apply Conan is way lucky.

He chops the leg off of one and cuts the throat of another. Not sure in how many rounds though or how many hits he avoided.

I wonder how this fight would break down in game mechanics? Too lazy to do it myself though.
Atali's brothers must be vastly overrated in Scrolls of Skelos if a 3rd level Conan was able to kill 2 of them. As it is a King Conan would be hard pressed to kill a single one of them.

In my game, Conan has a Talent called Berserk. This allows him to fight on regardless of exhaustion or damage.

But, you should consider the circumstances. The giants had no idea their opponent was not already worn out, as they probably expected. He surprised them utterly. Even Atali seemed to think he was worn out, she had done this same scenario many times in the past. Also, they were used to Nordheims being awed by facing their own gods, Conan had no idea until later, that he faced gods. Being in a Berserk rage, he just went in for the kill, surprising the giants to their death.

Anyhow, that's my justification for this outrage against the gods!
My version of Atali and her brother will be significantly weaker as in something Conan could handle. Also I just noticed I forgot to include the Eyes of the Dead spell used by Lord Ashti'ana in issue #5 so I'll throw that in too....
New Spell

Eyes of the Dead
Advanced Spell of the Necromancy style of Magic
Power Point Cost: 2
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: One minute
Target: An intact skull
Duration: One minute per level of Scholar the caster possesses
Saving Throw: None
Prerequisites: Psychometry, raise corpse, Base Magic Attack Bonus of +3 or greater
Skill Check: Knowledge [arcana] DC 14 + 1 for every 100 years after the creatures death

A spell used to view to the contents of a dead mind eyes of the dead is a spell that can force a dead man to tell their tale. By holding the skull of a dead creature and staring into its eyes the caster may view any scene that the creature viewed in life. If the caster is familiar with the life of the one whose memories they are scanning they may choose which memories they wish to view. Otherwise the caster receives a progression of images from the more prominent moments of the dead being’s life. The caster may narrow down their search for specific information with additional Knowledge [aracana] checks with a DC determined by the GM. Each successful skill check allow the caster to answer a specific question about the now dead creature’s life. Each use of the spell in this manner takes a minimum of one round to find among the creature's memories depending on how prominent the event was in target’s life.

The focus for the spell is the perfectly intact skull of the creature whose memories are being viewed by the caster.
Atali [First Appearance Conan #2]

Atali is a young Goddess of the Dreamlands, a creature of elemental cold and ice. She is the daughter of the Great Ice God Ymir, who the Nordenheimer race claims as their father-god. It is also believed that she may bear some relation to the dreadful being known as Ithaqua. She resides in Ymir’s portion of the Dreamlands- a place of eternal cold where mountain and snowfields reflect the eternal auroras and other strange lights that glow from the darkling sky. She travels her father’s realm in various forms- a fell and icy wind that chills the flesh, a great white bear with dark, flaming eyes or a vampiric ice worm that dwells within the sunless cavern below the frozen surface. Few encountering her in her own realm ever survive her hunger and wrath.

At times the realm of Ymir within the Dreamlands intersects with Earth, allowing passage of being from one world to the other- most notably in the northern reaches of the Nordenheimer kingdoms. Atali often takes advantage of these alignments to sojourn to our world. Atali is but a young stripling as gods go though and the form she sends forth from Dreamlands can hold but a fraction of her power. This form is most often a chilling beautiful human one of pure snow-white skin, blood red lips and golden-red hair reminiscent of both branches of the Nordenheimer people. She is often accompanied by one or more of her less brethren, simple but powerful spirits who lacking much imagination take on the form of huge Nordenheimer warriors- the only human forms that have seen in their travels upon Earth.

Atali’s earthbound form is no stronger than a woman of the human race but possesses a prenatural beauty, grace and speed. Her very presence is hypnotic, drawing the eye and desire of both male and female. Aware of her limitations in this form, Atali hunts for small groups or single individuals that would provide easy prey. She often haunts the aftermath of the many battlefields of the Aesir and Vanir luring the few wounded survivors to their doom or waylays groups of travelers who come across her path. Atali has an odd sense of patriotism though- given the choice between a Nordenheimer or a member of another race she will prefer to take the outlander as prey instead. Such is only mercy she has on the those who worship her father.

Atali’s usual tactic is to dance seductively, employing her hypnotic charm to entice her prey to chase her. She then uses her superior mobility in the frozen terrain to stay ahead of her prey, driving it to exhaustion in pursuit and then die of exposure far from help. It should be noted though that though her earthy frame possesses great stamina it is in fact not unlimited. An exceptional human being may in fact be capable of tiring her out first. Should she find herself growing weary she lures her prey to where the her brethren lie in wait. In their gigantic forms, these Frost Giants can usually make short work of a human opponent but their unfamiliarity with the human form can make their strength all but useless against a swift human who takes advantage of their weakness. If her brothers are defeated Atali will flee. If truly pressed afterwards she will call upon her father to take her from Earth and return her to the Dreamlands, though this action shames her in her father’s eyes.
New Creature

Before him, swaying like a sapling in the wind, stood a woman. To his dazed eyes her body was like ivory and save for a light veil of gossamer she was naked as the day. Her slender feet were whiter than the snow they spurned. She laughed down at bewildered warrior with a laughter that was sweeter than the rippling of silvery fountains and poisonous with cruel mockery.

-Robert Erwin Howard, The Frost-Giant’s Daughter

Avatar of Atali

Medium Outsider [Elemental]
Hit Dice: 8d8+16 [56 hit points]
Initiative: +9 [+ 4 Reflex; +5 Dexterity]
Movement: 30 feet
Defense Value: Dodge 19; Parry 12
Damage Reduction: None
Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+6
Attack: Unarmed +11 melee finesse [1d3; x2 critical]
Full Attack: Unarmed +11/+6 melee finesse [1d3; x2 critical]
Special Attacks: Dance of Atali
Special Qualities: Avatar; Cold Subtype; Mobility; Outsider
Saves: Fort +5; Reflex +11; Will +12 (1)
Abilities: Str 10; Dex 20; Con 15; Int 13; Wis 16; Cha 20
Skills: Bluff +18 (2); Intimidate +14 (2); Knowledge [arcana] +11; Knowledge [planes] +16; Listen +11; Perform [dance] +21 (3); Spot +14; Survival +18
Feats: No Honour; Persuasive; Performer; Skill Focus [Perform (dance)]

Magic Attack Bonus: +13 [+8 natural; +5 Cha]

Environment: Arctic
Organization: Unique

Equipment: Noble class veil

(1) Includes No Honour Feat
(2) Includes Persuasive Feat
(3) Includes Performer and Skill Focus Feats

Avatar: Atali is a being of Power and as such cannot be slain by mere force. If Her Avatar is destroyed, it dissolves into the snow and ice it was created from and Atali’s bodiless spirit returns to the Dreamlands to renew itself. If this happens Atali will be unable to form a new Avatar upon Earth for one year.

Cold Subtype: As a being of elemental cold, Atali’s Avatar may not be harmed by any form of natural or magical cold. Atali’s Avatar takes double damage from attacks of the Fire subtype.

Dance of Atali: Atali’s Avatar may cast the dance of Atali spell from the Scrolls of Skelos as a free action without the need for Power Points. It uses the listed Magic Attack Bonus when doing so.

Limited Manifest: As a young Goddess Atalir cannot move between worlds by will alone. She may only send Her Avatar to Earth when certain planetary alignments cause her father’s lands in the Dreamlands to touch upon this realm. If sorely pressed Atali’s Avatar may call upon its father Ymir to transport it from Earth to the Dreamlands as a Free Action. If it does so, she will appear in the father’s realms in the Dreamlands instantly with a great noise of thunder in her wake.

Mobility: Atali’s Avatar suffers no penalty moving through ice and snow. It is not hampered by Difficult Terrain within an Arctic environment.

Outsider: Atali’s Avatar does not age and has no need to eat, sleep, drink or breathe. It is immune to terrestrial poisons and diseases and may not be subject to Sneak Attacks or critical hits.

Atali’s Avatar appears as a slim pale white Nordenheimer female with blood red lips and golden red hair. She is often naked or dressed in a sheer veil common to dancing girls of the Hyborian lands. Her Avatar stands on snow and ice rather than sinking in and seems perfectly at ease in the Arctic environments. It possesses and unearthly beauty that man and woman marvel at. Her expression alternates between cold anger, openly mocking and cruelly seductive. Atali is inexperienced in dealing with humans and may underestimate their abilities. She certainly has never learned any martial skills appropriate to a human form.

Atali’s Avatar typical reveals itself to its intended prey and after perhaps speaking a few words with its intended prey, it begins to perform the dance of Atali. It will then lead any enraptured by the spell away from any habitation or shelter, deep into the trackless snowfields of the north, even to the very edge of her father’s realm in the Dreamlands. If its prey does not die from exhaustion or exposure she will lead them to the Frost Giants hidden on the edge of her father’s realm to be finished off.

Atali is well aware of the limitations of Her Avatar and as such will not allow humans to close with it. She will use its Mobility to keep ahead of any pursuers by plunging through Difficult terrain such as deep snow and ice. If Atali fears her Avatar will be captured, she will call upon her father Ymir to save her as detailed in her Limited Manifest ability.

Atali may be considered a demon for the purposes of the demonic pact spell. Although she does not use magic herself Atali may teach any spell from the Curses, Nature, Hypnosis and Summoning styles of sorcery. Her price is always the hearts of strong men to be burned upon a hearth sacred to herself and her father upon the dark of the moon and to possibly accompany Atali’s Avatar when it hunts Earth. Atali’s Avatar may act as a messenger for her father Ymir, should anyone desire a greater demonic pact with that entity.

It is believed that Atali may be the mother of the Remora that haunts the northern Border Kingdoms or this may be another of Her Avatars.

For more information on the Remora look here:
New Entry- Volume Nine

"...two gigantic figures rose up to bar his way. The scales of their mail were white with hoarfrost; their helmets and axes were covered with ice. Snow sprinkled their locks, in their beards were spikes of icicles, and their eyes were cold as the lights that surrounded them."

Robert Ervin Howard, The Frost-Giant's Daughter

New Creature

Frost Giant [First Appearance- Conan #2]

Large Outsider [Elemental]
Hit Dice: 4d12+8 [36 Hit Points]
Initiative: +1 [+2 Reflex; -1 Dexterity]
Movement: 35 feet
Defense Value: 10 [+2 natural; -1 size; -1 Dexterity]
Damage Reduction: 6 [Scale Haubrek and Steel Cap]
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+7 (1)
Attack: Large Bardiche or Greatsword +6 melee [2d12+7; x3 or 19-20 x2 critical; 12 or 11 AP]
Special Attacks: Reach; Terror
Special Qualities: Cold Subtype
Saves: Fort +5; Ref +0; Will +0
Abilities: Str 19; Dex 9; Con 15; Int 4; Wis 9; Cha 5
Skills: Hide +8 (2); Survival +9 (2)
Feats: Cleave

Advancement: As Barbarian
Environment: Arctic
Organization: Solitary or Pair (1-2)

Skills: Frost Giants possess a +4 racial bonus to Hide and Survival in Arctic environment.

(1) Includes size modifier
(2) Includes racial bonus

Cold Subtype: As creatures of elemental cold Frost Giants cannot be harmed by any form of normal or magical cold. They take double damage from all fire or heat based attacks. Upon death a Frost Giant's body and all of it's gear revert to the snow and ice they were formed from.

Reach: Due to their immense size all weapons they bear extend 5’ further than they do for Medium sized creature. As such their weapons can attack targets 10’ feet away as per Reach weapons. This can be their undoing though as they cannot attack targets closer than that with their weapon- a weakness a canny opponent can exploit.

Terror: Frost Giants produce Terror of the Unknown.

What form these primitive beings possess within Ymir’s realm within the Dreamrealm is unknown. Judging from their behavior in this world it cannot be a complex one. In the rare instances when are able to enter Earth from their home realm they take a crude form resembling ice-covered oversized Nordenhiemer warriors complete with scale armor, helm and weapon. They rarely travel to Earth except during the times when Ymir’s realm touches upon this world and then only if brought by a more intelligent being such as Atali or if lost. These beings cannot return to Ymir’s realm themselves so they rarely travel far from the point where Ymir’s realm intersects Earth so they might not be caught upon this world when the time of convergence ends. Atali often leaves them at the borders to her father’s realm and lures her prey to them. If lost upon Earth Frost Giants will wander the northern wastes of the Earth killing an eating all they come across until slain or die of their own natural stupidity.
And thus ends Volume One. As you can see I made Atali a Mythos creature and will be posting her on "Conan and Cthulhu" as well. It was time something Lovecraftian reemerged. The stars were right. 8)

Okay, I'll edit and recollect the data and post it as a Word document for my mailing list and to anyone who wants it- save Damien of course.

Runnign low on time- gotta go.
Great contributions, Raven.
I like the adjusted stats for the Frost Giants.
I am always reminded of the famous Frazetta painting every time I read REH's story.
However...I thought the INT of 4 was a bit harsh. :?
Yogah of Yag said:
Great contributions, Raven.
I like the adjusted stats for the Frost Giants.
I am always reminded of the famous Frazetta painting every time I read REH's story.
However...I thought the INT of 4 was a bit harsh. :?

You are talking about a couple of mutes who are too dumb just to drop their axes and grab for Conan when he got too close to be hit by their weapons.....
Raven Blackwell said:
Yogah of Yag said:
Great contributions, Raven.
I like the adjusted stats for the Frost Giants.
I am always reminded of the famous Frazetta painting every time I read REH's story.
However...I thought the INT of 4 was a bit harsh. :?

You are talking about a couple of mutes who are too dumb just to drop their axes and grab for Conan when he got too close to be hit by their weapons.....

Good point, thanks.
You'd think the sons and daughters of Ymir would be a little smarter! :roll:
I guess the Stupid Nuts don't fall too far from the Dum-Dum tree! :D
Transposed from "Conan and Cthulhu":

bjorntfh said:
Raven, Reach works differently for large or larger creatures. They can attack in both the 10' range AND the 5' range. They aren't the same as people wielding warspears, they're more like people with spiked chains. It's why being large is such a benefit.

Ah, but the issue #2 of the Dark Horse comic- where this version of a Frost Giant comes from- it clearly shows that Frost Giants can't attack Conan with their weapons when he gets too close. Conan even comments on it saying something like- "That's a long reach you have. Too long!" and then gets under one of them and rips out its femoral artery with his broadsword. Yes, normally a large creature can do as you say but these guys for what ever reason can't- my guess is sheer stupidity- which is why I make a point of it in their entry.
Raven Blackwell said:
Transposed from "Conan and Cthulhu":

bjorntfh said:
Raven, Reach works differently for large or larger creatures. They can attack in both the 10' range AND the 5' range. They aren't the same as people wielding warspears, they're more like people with spiked chains. It's why being large is such a benefit.

Ah, but the issue #2 of the Dark Horse comic- where this version of a Frost Giant comes from- it clearly shows that Frost Giants can't attack Conan with their weapons when he gets too close. Conan even comments on it saying something like- "That's a long reach you have. Too long!" and then gets under one of them and rips out its femoral artery with his broadsword. Yes, normally a large creature can do as you say but these guys for what ever reason can't- my guess is sheer stupidity- which is why I make a point of it in their entry.

Well, I don't know. Getting outwitted by Conan himself in hand to hand combat isn't actually a sign of stupidity. I'd put their intelligence around 11.
Well as written here a Frost Giant is a manifested crude winter spirit of the Dreamlands. INT is usually the measurement of 'book learning'- something these spirits are unlikely to have. WIS is usually a measure of instinct and will which I ruled a Frost Giant wouldn't be greatly lacking in. But these entries are just guidlines- if you want a smarter Frost Giant go ahead and use one. I'm no tyrant. 8)
Thank you. I had to do something to pass those cruel Winter months. 8) As Spring arrives though I'll likely spend less time at the keyboard and more time in RL, so my rate of production will slow up. As things stand I think I'll have Volume One done next week and send it out to those intested. Everyone on the Blackwell Press mailing list will get onea and if you are not on it just give me a pm with an e-mail address and I'll send you a copy.
Despite a horrific schedule lately I have made progress in collecting this material- here are two more entries I decided to make for the sourcebook to wrap things up. I should have the finished copy sent by Wednesday unless something goes wrong.