the backstab gang -- released!


It happens to every Games Master: the players do something completely unexpected, something completely out of line with the adventure you've worked so hard on, and you've got to think of something quick.

With the backstab gang, you’re covered. Just pull out this "plain wrap" supplement and you’ve got an instant gang of five NPC bad guys (including a pair of goblins from five classic fantasy monsters and a duck), complete with a sample hideout just waiting to go toe-to-toe with your errant adventurers.

Each of the five NPCs includes two full sets of RuneQuest statistics, so you can easily and with very little preparation customize the backstab gang to match the players' characters.

Yup, that's right, folks. The second in our "plain wrap" supplements line is released. Written by our own Tim Bancroft, the backstab gang can be yours for the no-frills price of $2.25 at the RPGNow Edge. For more information, please see the Seraphim Guard website at the address below.


EDIT -- Here's the direct URL to buy the backstab gang:
Ok, it looks like the RPGNow Edge is smoothing out a bit, and I was actually able to activate the product. The site seems to be going a bit slow, but you should be able to buy it now.

Did I mention it has a duck? Oh, and goblins and worgs from five classic fantasy monsters, too.

*blink, blink*

Ducks and goblins and worgs, oh my!

I just spent 30 minutes waiting to get the RPGNow site with no luck.

I went onto the RPGDriveThru site with no problems at all.

Could they be made available through RPGDriveThru as well?
soltakss said:
I just spent 30 minutes waiting to get the RPGNow site with no luck.

Yeah, tell me about it.

I'm gnashing my teeth at that one. I mean, I'm an I.T. guy by day so I understand system issues. But I'm also an RPG publisher (of sorts) who pays RPGNow 30% of every freaking sale I make, so I expect to be able to add and sell products to and from their site with a modicum of timeliness.

It took me *hours* to put the PDF up there in the first place.

soltakss said:
Could they be made available through RPGDriveThru as well?

Yesterday I initiated contact with the DriveThruRPG publisher relations group. It being a holiday weekend here in the States I don't expect I'll hear back until Tuesday, however.

In the interim, if anyone is having trouble getting any of my products from, just PayPal the selling price of the product (found on and I'll e-mail over a copy to you. That might not be best for Gatecrasher, HeartQuest, or some of the other large files, but for the smaller "plain wrap" supplements it'll work fine.

It is possible to deal with Drivethru? I'm just thinking if RPGnow is so difficut, maybe Drivethru would be a good alternative.
atgxtg said:
It is possible to deal with Drivethru?

Heh, see my post above.

I've also just sent an e-mail off to e23 to see about selling there, too.

For the longest time RPGNow has been perfect: easy and reliable. Their recent outage, however, has shown me that I need some redundancy in my "sales strategy". I can't expect people to wait around to buy my product while some server admin somewhere kludges a fix for a downed server, you know?
Redundancy is a good thing. Decipher had a snafu with Drivethru a couple weeks back and all their stuff was not avaiable for some time.

So I guess it happens to all the on-line PDF stores. NOt having all your eggs in one basket seems a prudent idea. THat way if something happens to one site, you don't go "out of business" until it gets back up.
atgxtg said:
THat way if something happens to one site, you don't go "out of business" until it gets back up.

Yeah. *muttering curses under his breath*

I'm also looking into setting up a PayPal PDF processing store on me own site. Something where you can shop via PayPal and get sent download links after payment.

That'll be cool.
iamtim said:
I'm also looking into setting up a PayPal PDF processing store on me own site. Something where you can shop via PayPal and get sent download links after payment.

That'll be cool.

Always worth doing for the extra %age :)
GbajiTheDeceiver said:
RPGNow seems to only allow one concurrent connection per user at a time. My guess is that they're running off fairly slow links.

I have no problem with browsing while I download. I just can't download more than one at a time.
atgxtg said:
Maybe they should change the mname to RPGLATER or RPGEVENTUALLY? :)


I've been working on getting a PayPal solution with CubeCart running on my site for the better part of the day... my god, what a pain.

I almost want to say that PayPal sucks, but it's a great way to collect money for very little cost. But whoo boy, tweaking the PayPal gateway so that it doesn't respond with false failures because the PayPal site is slower than my site is a challenge.