[Terra/Sol Games] Six Guns Gauss Weapons by Martin Dougherty

That was my interpertation as well, but John is looking into it as well and told me he'd try and post something this evening.
The Dark Avenger said:
I wrote that a while ago, so I'm not 100% certain what exactly it said, but IIRC the idea is that if you penetrate armour you get +2 on each die of damage. ie the +2 doesn't help you penetrate, but it applies if you do.

Or... if your normally-rolled damage is stopped by armour, the extra damage is not applied.

Ok that makes sense. That's also my house rule for Effect adding to damage (but I halve armor on Effect 6+).
Gun pr0n by MJD? I dunno, is this going to be any good? What he knows about guns wouldn't even fill two Encyclopaedia Britannicas.

Maybe one and a half Encyclopaedia Britannicas. :p

Martin has already confirmed but I've conferred with John and we both went back over the rule and we concur with Martin. Wow that's a mouth full.

If the weapon penetrates the armor you get a +2 to each dice of damage. Remember this only applies to APHE rounds. The Anti-Material Rifle is a nasty piece of business. You can get double the armor penetration with discarding sabot rounds but if the APHE penetrates it's going to kill whatever is on the other side of that armor.
WHich is why its an "Anti-Material Rifle".

Its far too nasty to be shooting at people hence the Imperial/Terran league of nice people had its use on people banned for being cruel, nasty, unpleasant and visualy distressing. :D

Of course your various military organisations strictly follow this guideline and would never go for head shots against combat/battledress targets at 1500metres then keep score via video feed :twisted:
This sort of book is exactly the type of detailed information that my group loves to have in a Sci Fi setting. Its well written and well presented and I can see it getting a lot of use. If you keep producing supplements like this, to this quality, I'll be a happy Traveller fan !

I did have two questions though, but now it is only one as the other has been answered above. Its in regards the Anti-Material rifle. On page 28 it says if the weapon does Armour + Body to a living target its possible for the needle to pass through. I admit to not having the greatest grasp of the rules, but what exactly is Body in reference to a Living Target ?

Thanks again for a great supplement !

Basically what it's saying is if the round penetrates the armor and does any damage to the person or vehicle then the round has passed through said person or vehicle and can continue on to targets behind the primary target. Personally as a referee I would require the blind to hit roll that Martin mentions to hit the second target.

So an example would be if you fired a disgarding sabot round at an enemy in TL14 Combat Armor. That has a protection value of 16. The D/S round has an armor penetration of 10 so you'd need to roll at least 7 on 5d6 to get to 17 to penetrate the armor and do damage to the underlying person. If that happened the round would continue through your target and you'd have a chance to hit any enemies behind your initial target.

Note I would not allow this with APHE rounds which are designed to explode after penetrating.

Hope that helps and let me know if you have any other questions.
Thanks for the reply and answer to my question :) . I'm all good with the rest.

Do you currently have an idea about what you are likely to cover next ?

We currently have the next installment from Martin already in the can. It will cover Rescue Organizations. It was inspired by a short story Martin did for us that is very good. But judging by the response to Gauss Weapons the next one after that I'm going to request will be on laser weapons I think.
What other types of things would you guys like to see covered in Six Guns style supplements. Remember it doesn't always have to be guns as evidenced by the next issue. Thanks for your input.
I will probably be alone with this, but I would really welcome some good
ideas about futuristic underwater gear, something like a modern version
of the equipment chapter of the now very outdated old Undersea Environ-
ment supplement from Gamelords, especially since almost all of the un-
derwater stuff from the Central Supply Catalogue also seems more retro
than futuristic.

Ah, well, just dreaming ... :D
Umm, shouldn't the round have to achieve a (how to word it?) double-penetration effect to pass "through" the target and have a chance of damaging targets beyond it? One "full" penetration effect to get through the facing armour, and another "full" penetration effect to get through the backside armour.

And aren't HEAP rounds (if that's what we're talking about) designed to penetrate the first armour encountered and then destruct (explode, spall, or whatever) to impart maximum damage on the contents of the armour, i.e. your target.

And wouldn't the first penetration deform, de-stabilise, and slow the round significantly? So much so that achieving the second penetration is going to be much harder. Not even counting the effect lost to the damage imparted to the target.


I'm not buying into this bit. It sounds like it was a "oh that'd be kewl" idea that wasn't really thought through, or was built on a lack of knowledge.

I'm not saying over-pentration doesn't happen. Just that it's not as described.
If you want to go to that level of detail you certainly could but for me you quickly come to a point of diminishing returns. The rule works relatively well and is easy to use. But certainly feel free to fold, spindle and mutilate as you see fit :) .
But that's the point. I don't generally go to that level of detail (the overpenetration rule you've added, nor the added details for charging etc. in the preview). It (overpenetration) is pretty much pointless as a rule. Most of the time there won't be a secondary target. Most of the time the round is going to be suitable for the target and not going to overpenetrate, being designed to do the most effective damage to the target. And so on...

What I'm saying is if you're going to add that level of detail, get it right. It wouldn't have been at all difficult to make the rule more realistic without adding an iota of detail. You've already qualified it here (which I missed earlier) that it won't apply to HEAP rounds.

The detailing would have been simply different, not more involved. Rather than a straight through penetration rule, you could have made it a penetration reduced by armour rule.

In any case, yeah, based on the preview and discussion I don't see this line as a product aimed at me :) I prefer less niggly details in rules (overpenetration, secondary targets, recharging, etc.), throwing such situations in off the cuff instead to spice things up.
But as you pointed out, a more realistic rule would be pretty boring. Thus, if a referee wants to use their somewhat stylized overpenetration rule, they can do so.

I don't see the harm in including it. And really, that's probably the most minor bit of the whole product. In terms of rules, the aiming option is my favorite, but the core of the book is a set of previously unseen variations on gauss weapons. Those variations are interesting and well done. Thus, I eagerly await the laser issue. And I hope they do a TL 8-11 slugthrower book too (earlier TL slugthrowers are handled fine in CSC and any number of real world gun sources).

And for the record, I'm not, nor have I ever been, affiliated with Terra/Sol Games. :wink:
crossmlk said:
If you want to go to that level of detail you certainly could but for me you quickly come to a point of diminishing returns. The rule works relatively well and is easy to use. But certainly feel free to fold, spindle and mutilate as you see fit :) .
Ditto, ditto. With feeling.

Simply put: If you as a Ref aren't interested in any alternative rule, certainly do not use it, we should be the last to dictate anything of this nature to a Ref in their own game. Hopefully, some readers might actually like some of these alternate rules, and as such are free to use them (or not) as they wish.

And no, that wasn't the royal "we" in the above, I am affiliated with Terra/Sol Games.