has anyone else seen this page:
It's basically a set of optional rules, or "toolkit", released under the d20 license, which gives a DM several options when running a S&S campaign with the standard d20 ruleset.
Of course, we already have the Conan RPG, and the Toolkit seems to incorporate a lot of the ideas from this game, but it is a nice summary of things you need to fix if you want to use the standard D&D rules for a sword and sorcery campaign.
- thulsa
has anyone else seen this page:
It's basically a set of optional rules, or "toolkit", released under the d20 license, which gives a DM several options when running a S&S campaign with the standard d20 ruleset.
Of course, we already have the Conan RPG, and the Toolkit seems to incorporate a lot of the ideas from this game, but it is a nice summary of things you need to fix if you want to use the standard D&D rules for a sword and sorcery campaign.
- thulsa