stygia looks sweet

I just received this email from Amazon:

As someone who has purchased books by Vincent Darlage, you might like to know that Conan: Stygia will be released soon. You can pre-order your copy by following the link below.

Vincent, ma man, you've arrived! (like you need me to tell you that!) :D 8)

Definitely pre-ordered my copy. 8)
Strom said:
I just received this email from Amazon:

As someone who has purchased books by Vincent Darlage, you might like to know that Conan: Stygia will be released soon. You can pre-order your copy by following the link below.

Vincent, ma man, you've arrived! (like you need me to tell you that!) :D 8)

Definitely pre-ordered my copy. 8)

Of course the email says it is available on the 25th. Is that a typo, or is Amazon behind a bit?
Looks like they are behind as they are shipping mine on May 26th. But, my experience is, sometimes they ship earlier...and sometimes they ship later than their original estimate. :shock:
amazon have lost orders from me before so I dont use them but have friends who swear by them and others who think amazon is a swear word :shock: