Starship Troopers Evolution

All that and a bag of chips, Old Soldier. The only thing I'm really disappoited in is the fact that they cancelled the Skinnie releases before the army was complete. I really wanted skimmers and Venerable Marauders to finish out my army.

Whoa there :)

These models are not being cancelled. We're planning to release the Speeder and Heavy Speeder later this month along with the Skinnie Soldier Heavy Weapons blister.

As for the Venerable Marauder, we have a couple of tweaks to make to the final master and then this too will see the light this year. There are a bunch of other releases coming out over the next 3-4 months as well.

I have a Skinnie army that's been waiting for these models as well!
Mongoose Alex said:
All that and a bag of chips, Old Soldier. The only thing I'm really disappoited in is the fact that they cancelled the Skinnie releases before the army was complete. I really wanted skimmers and Venerable Marauders to finish out my army.

Whoa there :)

These models are not being cancelled. We're planning to release the Speeder and Heavy Speeder later this month along with the Skinnie Soldier Heavy Weapons blister.

As for the Venerable Marauder, we have a couple of tweaks to make to the final master and then this too will see the light this year. There are a bunch of other releases coming out over the next 3-4 months as well.

I have a Skinnie army that's been waiting for these models as well!

Sweet! Take that naysayers! :P
chris_valera said:
kirkmex said:
NANITE! Take care Bro. I'm on the edge of the fence and ready to fall on this too my friend.

man, this has been a pretty crappy month. work problems, car problems, relationship problems, and now my F-ING own Hobby is kickin' me in the nuts. the BIG MAN in the sky is having a FIELD DAY on my ass this month.

I thought a goodnights sleep would help, it did'nt. I've got SO MANY QUESTIONS that I need answered, unfortuantley, only time will answer them for me.

......................well, i guess I'm going back to VOR: The Maelstrom again for awhile. It may be a DEAD game but I know it's not going to pull a GW on me!! :evil: not that mongoose is, but $3,500 later, I can't help but feel like I just bought the "London Bridge" if you know what I mean.

F#*(K!!!! :evil: :evil:

$3,500.00....I feel like a chump

Brother I feel your pain... five SST core sets, four CHAS suits, five big suits, three tankers, a king tanker, bran bug and a plasma.

Most of that was bough recently, too.

I *was* planning on getting three plasma bugs... now I feel like a chump, since half of the newer crap will likely be going on severe discount.

And I *like* painstakingly assembling and painting my models! It's about the only thing these models had going for them...

Shennanigans! I call shenannigans! :cry:


Hmmm, I dont see why people think this is going to invalidate their previous armies. No mention fo scale change. No Idict from "On High" saying we cant use the current minis.
Mongoose seems to want to make everyone happy. Look at what they did for SST in the 1st place. Troopers are represented from all 3 versions of SST. Book, Animation, and Movie. Personally I feel that Mongoose went out of their way to make people happy with this game. I mean they could have just said "Screw off. Its Mongoose version only. You will use OUR version which has nothing to do with the 3 versions". Heck I would be very surprised to see any armies being invalidated by the new rules. Maybe tweaked, but not invalidated. Unlike some other company. Yes Im sorry I had to jump on the bandwagon and bash GW, but dagnabit! my army got ATE! or virus bombed or whatever. And any mention of said army gets immediatly locked down, banned, drawn and quartered, flayed, flamed, and dipped in acid on their forums. I dont see Mongoose going this route and because of that the Evolution stuff is going on my gaming table.
TankerJak said:
chris_valera said:
kirkmex said:
NANITE! Take care Bro. I'm on the edge of the fence and ready to fall on this too my friend.

man, this has been a pretty crappy month. work problems, car problems, relationship problems, and now my F-ING own Hobby is kickin' me in the nuts. the BIG MAN in the sky is having a FIELD DAY on my ass this month.

I thought a goodnights sleep would help, it did'nt. I've got SO MANY QUESTIONS that I need answered, unfortuantley, only time will answer them for me.

......................well, i guess I'm going back to VOR: The Maelstrom again for awhile. It may be a DEAD game but I know it's not going to pull a GW on me!! :evil: not that mongoose is, but $3,500 later, I can't help but feel like I just bought the "London Bridge" if you know what I mean.

F#*(K!!!! :evil: :evil:

$3,500.00....I feel like a chump

Brother I feel your pain... five SST core sets, four CHAS suits, five big suits, three tankers, a king tanker, bran bug and a plasma.

Most of that was bough recently, too.

I *was* planning on getting three plasma bugs... now I feel like a chump, since half of the newer crap will likely be going on severe discount.

And I *like* painstakingly assembling and painting my models! It's about the only thing these models had going for them...

Shennanigans! I call shenannigans! :cry:


Hmmm, I dont see why people think this is going to invalidate their previous armies. No mention fo scale change. No Idict from "On High" saying we cant use the current minis.
Mongoose seems to want to make everyone happy. Look at what they did for SST in the 1st place. Troopers are represented from all 3 versions of SST. Book, Animation, and Movie. Personally I feel that Mongoose went out of their way to make people happy with this game. I mean they could have just said "Screw off. Its Mongoose version only. You will use OUR version which has nothing to do with the 3 versions". Heck I would be very surprised to see any armies being invalidated by the new rules. Maybe tweaked, but not invalidated. Unlike some other company. Yes Im sorry I had to jump on the bandwagon and bash GW, but dagnabit! my army got ATE! or virus bombed or whatever. And any mention of said army gets immediatly locked down, banned, drawn and quartered, flayed, flamed, and dipped in acid on their forums. I dont see Mongoose going this route and because of that the Evolution stuff is going on my gaming table.

Technically no, but you can't say this won't displace the old stuff. Enough store are blowing out SST as it is, this is just another reason to.

For the record, this just seems like another edition of the game, and while I'm not against that, or Mongoose paying its bills, I will say two years is kind of a short time frame to release a new edition.

I would like to know what going to happen to the army books, though.

chris_valera said:
Technically no, but you can't say this won't displace the old stuff. Enough store are blowing out SST as it is, this is just another reason to.

the old minis will still be availible. the only difference is most stores will only order on request rather than for the shelf.

For the record, this just seems like another edition of the game, and while I'm not against that, or Mongoose paying its bills, I will say two years is kind of a short time frame to release a new edition.

I would like to know what going to happen to the army books, though.

as mentioned by matt in post 1, the army books are being replaced by the new rulebook, which will contain full stats for the MI, bugs, Skinnies and Forth.
Lieutenant Rasczak said:
Gauntlet- said:
Part one of prediction has come true

my semi Local Game store has announced they are dropping it, and all SST stuff is now 40% off.

Huh surprise surprise

maybe ill start hordes afterall :(

Have you ever thought the REAL reason they are selling it cheap, is because they can't see it selling when the new Pre-Painted Stuff comes out!

This makes me feel so much better about my decision to support the company, by buying metric crap ton of figures...

What confuses me about this whole situation are several things.
1. All current figures continue to be supported for the foreseeable future, as well as receiving full rule support including free updated stats for EVO. So how is anyone gypped!!
2. Two years is too soon for a new edition???? In the face of continued complaints about problems in the rules, this is how a company should react and fix those problems, yes sir.
3. If the gamer insists on self assembly and painting, currently available models/miniatures to be available for ten years, yes that really screws over the gamers.
4. Stores are discounting out the SST products, poor me. They were already NOT supporting SST as the system currently exists; by the same poor me peoples posts on this Forum.
5. I spent soooooo much money on this stuff that I am being gypped over (See 1 through 4 above). I am certain that Ted Chang stood there in your local store with a gun to your heads to make you purchase your purported game of choice.
6. Some gamers feel like chumps because of 1 through 5 above. Each will only become chumps if they pull the Chicken Little Bit "The Sky is falling, the sky is falling. This only becomes a problem if you elect to drop SST in a blind unreasoning panic, knee-jerk reaction to changes occurring. Changes many true "supporters of SST" have been asking for.
7. Will these changes be good for SST? I believe so and especially good for those who stay the course, because we enjoy this games rule set and flexibility.
8.Will I miss those who continue to whine and claim Mongoose has done them wrong? Not in the least, most of those who leave were not actually committed to the game anyway.

As much as I came to dislike the whole 40K GW situation I stuck by them forover 18 years.
9. I spent X number of dollars in less than two years, boo hoo, boo hoo. I spent on average $6,00 to $10,000 per year on GW products as long as I continued to support them, and so what, that was my choice.
After a few days of thinking about it, I'm off the fence. SST, even as it stands, is an excellent tabletop game, prepainted or no. While I'm taking a "wait and see" attitude towards the paintjobs (I do pretty well on my own, thank you), it's nice to know that I can easily modify them and/or order unpainted stock. I'll continue to play the game and am still attempting to finish painting my MI company in the meantime (two power suit platoons, one Marauder platoon, and one Exosuit platoon, in case you were wondering...).

I'm looking forward to previews of the Forth figs. I'd much rather have them according to the original release schedule (meaning NOW!), but it's not like I don't have other things to work on until then.

As to the SST:Evo rules, that's another "wait and see" item. If it turns out that I don't care for them, I still have the 1ed rules/army books and, with a little imagination (and some input from my fellow gamers), stats for new armies can be created (heck, doesn't anyone else around here use house rules on occasion?). However, I don't imagine that the rules will undergo a huge overhaul - some tweaking to the mechanics and adjustment of stats to fit the Evo system? Not a problem.

I DO hope that the move attracts some of the more mature (read: aged) gamers to the system. I don't want to have to face off against a bunch of pre-teens or kids just to get in a game or two. :wink:
Mongoose Alex said:
All that and a bag of chips, Old Soldier. The only thing I'm really disappoited in is the fact that they cancelled the Skinnie releases before the army was complete. I really wanted skimmers and Venerable Marauders to finish out my army.

Whoa there :)

These models are not being cancelled. We're planning to release the Speeder and Heavy Speeder later this month along with the Skinnie Soldier Heavy Weapons blister.

As for the Venerable Marauder, we have a couple of tweaks to make to the final master and then this too will see the light this year. There are a bunch of other releases coming out over the next 3-4 months as well.

I have a Skinnie army that's been waiting for these models as well!

Awesome! OK, I'm a happy camper. :D
I too am off the fence, not sure I was evre on it, but anyway I'm 100% behind the direction that Mongoose is going. All Hail King Torg! Oh wait wrong game.
Mongoose Alex said:
All that and a bag of chips, Old Soldier. The only thing I'm really disappoited in is the fact that they cancelled the Skinnie releases before the army was complete. I really wanted skimmers and Venerable Marauders to finish out my army.

Whoa there :)

These models are not being cancelled. We're planning to release the Speeder and Heavy Speeder later this month along with the Skinnie Soldier Heavy Weapons blister.

As for the Venerable Marauder, we have a couple of tweaks to make to the final master and then this too will see the light this year. There are a bunch of other releases coming out over the next 3-4 months as well.

I have a Skinnie army that's been waiting for these models as well!

Excellent! I get to finish my skinnies after all! :D
Seeing as how there were a lot of people expecting the Forth to be released over the next 3 months... if Mongoose did get started on the production models for them and then called it off until pre-built, pre-painted models could be released, I'm sure there are plenty of gamers who would give an arm and a leg for unassembled Forth models before the year is out. Say a "limited edition" run.
Tallen said:
Seeing as how there were a lot of people expecting the Forth to be released over the next 3 months... if Mongoose did get started on the production models for them and then called it off until pre-built, pre-painted models could be released, I'm sure there are plenty of gamers who would give an arm and a leg for unassembled Forth models before the year is out. Say a "limited edition" run.

I second that! :D
OK first of all this thread is so big (and I've either been in bed with a kidney infection all week or my computer has been playing up again) that I may have missed this but I saw this over on Warseer

The way that these are different from other prepainted miniatures is that they are not prepainted at all. The Wizards of the Coast stuff actually is painted, with this horrible rubber paint. These will have colour infused as part of the production process-- all controlled by computers I believe.

If this is true then it explains how Mongoose is so certain of the quality of the painting (ie there actually isn't a painter who might have an off day!)

This explains the "new technology" Matt mentioned.

If true this really reinforces my enthusiasm for the future of Mongoose's games!
Lieutenant Rasczak said:
emperorpenguin said:
OK first of all this thread is so big (and I've either been in bed with a kidney infection all week or my computer has been playing up again)

Hope ur better Buddy.

Cheers Lt! :D

*touch wood* I've been ok the past two days but the antibiotics still hadn't worked by the time i was down to the last two...

So has anyone else seen anything about this? Are the pre-painted models done by machine rather than painters?
emperorpenguin said:
So has anyone else seen anything about this? Are the pre-painted models done by machine rather than painters?

This is the closest I've heard to an announcement on that point:

lastbesthope said:
emperorpenguin said:
So has anyone else seen anything about this? Are the pre-painted models done by machine rather than painters?

This is the closest I've heard to an announcement on that point:


yeah I saw that and had the mental image of little pakistani children painting the models but it didn't sit right with the fantastic models and Matt's certainty over the quality.
Plus it didn't mesh with "high-tech", so this seems plausible.
Some cool computerised process done in say China for cheaper labour costs.

Which means don't be surprised if the rules in the PLA sets give the Chinese a 2+ re-rollable save and kill everything on a 2+ either! :wink: