chris_valera said:
kirkmex said:
NANITE! Take care Bro. I'm on the edge of the fence and ready to fall on this too my friend.
man, this has been a pretty crappy month. work problems, car problems, relationship problems, and now my F-ING own Hobby is kickin' me in the nuts. the BIG MAN in the sky is having a FIELD DAY on my ass this month.
I thought a goodnights sleep would help, it did'nt. I've got SO MANY QUESTIONS that I need answered, unfortuantley, only time will answer them for me.
......................well, i guess I'm going back to VOR: The Maelstrom again for awhile. It may be a DEAD game but I know it's not going to pull a GW on me!! :evil: not that mongoose is, but $3,500 later, I can't help but feel like I just bought the "London Bridge" if you know what I mean.
F#*(K!!!! :evil: :evil:
$3,500.00....I feel like a chump
Brother I feel your pain... five SST core sets, four CHAS suits, five big suits, three tankers, a king tanker, bran bug and a plasma.
Most of that was bough recently, too.
I *was* planning on getting three plasma bugs... now I feel like a chump, since half of the newer crap will likely be going on severe discount.
And I *like* painstakingly assembling and painting my models! It's about the only thing these models had going for them...
Shennanigans! I call shenannigans!
Hmmm, I dont see why people think this is going to invalidate their previous armies. No mention fo scale change. No Idict from "On High" saying we cant use the current minis.
Mongoose seems to want to make everyone happy. Look at what they did for SST in the 1st place. Troopers are represented from all 3 versions of SST. Book, Animation, and Movie. Personally I feel that Mongoose went out of their way to make people happy with this game. I mean they could have just said "Screw off. Its Mongoose version only. You will use OUR version which has nothing to do with the 3 versions". Heck I would be very surprised to see any armies being invalidated by the new rules. Maybe tweaked, but not invalidated. Unlike some other company. Yes Im sorry I had to jump on the bandwagon and bash GW, but
dagnabit! my army got ATE! or virus bombed or whatever. And any mention of said army gets immediatly locked down, banned, drawn and quartered, flayed, flamed, and dipped in acid on their forums. I dont see Mongoose going this route and because of that the Evolution stuff is going on my gaming table.