Forgot the spells, so here they are
MRQ Spells
Spirit Spear
Ct 1 Mag2 touch Trigger
Rune – spirit
Imbues a sprit into a spear, then when it hits it dose 1d10 damage instead of normal damage. It is a one-use spell.
The spear looks like it is surrounded buy the spirits plants and animals until it is used.
Spirit Talk
Rune spirit
Ct 1 Duration 5 Magnitude 1+ Progressive
Allows the caster to ask a local spirit questions during the duration of the spell.
The sprit, can base its answer on the way it is treated, and the answer is going too more complicated the higher the magnitude the spell is. Mag 1 spells yes or no, 2 general
Knowledge, and more coplacate answers as the magnitude goes up.
Spirit armor
CT 1 Dur10 mag1 progressive ranged
Rune spirit
Caster summons some the spirits of plants and animals to help protect the target.
1 point of AP per point of Magnitude to every hit location, and it stacks with existing armor.