Some questions regarding the LW books


Hey folks.

I recently aquired my copy of the LW rulebook. I liked it a lot, remembering the times I played the original book series.

As a kid I have played most of the books that I thought were available. In total I knew of 12 books that were published in Germany, of which I owned 9. Now I have stumbled upon hints that even more books existed. Could someone please shed some light on that matter and tell me if the other books have been published in Germany?

Thanks a lot...
There were 28 Lone Wolf game books, 4 Grey Star game books, 12 Legends of Lone Wolf novels, the Magnamund companion, and a graphic novel.

I don't know how many made it into German, though.
Greg Smith said:
There were 28 Lone Wolf game books, 4 Grey Star game books, 12 Legends of Lone Wolf novels, the Magnamund companion, and a graphic novel.

I don't know how many made it into German, though.

To further break this down, the last 18 of the Lone Wolf books, the New Order series, are much rarer than the others, as I think they were only released in Britiain (am I wrong on this?).

I also am not aware of how many have been translated into German, but you seem to speak English pretty good. Have you looked at Project Aon, where a good number of the books have been released, and more get released every few months?
Zipp Dementia said:
Greg Smith said:
There were 28 Lone Wolf game books, 4 Grey Star game books, 12 Legends of Lone Wolf novels, the Magnamund companion, and a graphic novel.

I don't know how many made it into German, though.

To further break this down, the last 18 of the Lone Wolf books, the New Order series, are much rarer than the others, as I think they were only released in Britiain (am I wrong on this?).

I believe you meant the least 16 if the rarer were 13-28 or 8 if the rarer were 20-28...

here in Italy we got all of them (not the companion and the Graphic Novel) with at least 3 editions of books 1-5 and 2 editions of all the others ecept 28 (damm a whole collection and the last book is different :S)
elijah-sabretooth said:
Zipp Dementia said:
Greg Smith said:
There were 28 Lone Wolf game books, 4 Grey Star game books, 12 Legends of Lone Wolf novels, the Magnamund companion, and a graphic novel.

I don't know how many made it into German, though.

To further break this down, the last 18 of the Lone Wolf books, the New Order series, are much rarer than the others, as I think they were only released in Britiain (am I wrong on this?).

I believe you meant the least 16 if the rarer were 13-28 or 8 if the rarer were 20-28...

here in Italy we got all of them (not the companion and the Graphic Novel) with at least 3 editions of books 1-5 and 2 editions of all the others ecept 28 (damm a whole collection and the last book is different :S)

Oops! Yeah, I meant 8. You know, math and stuff... :P
Greg Smith said:
The last 8 were only printed in Britain and never reprinted. :cry:

Which makes me sad 'cause I was saving up my pocketmoney for books 9 and onwards when the bookshop closed only to be replaced by a trendy winebar type of bookshop that only sold tv chef cook books and lots of glossy paperbacks with very little actual content. And it was on the other side of town too (and it's closed recently as well :().
Zipp Dementia said:
elijah-sabretooth said:
Zipp Dementia said:
To further break this down, the last 18 of the Lone Wolf books, the New Order series, are much rarer than the others, as I think they were only released in Britiain (am I wrong on this?).

I believe you meant the least 16 if the rarer were 13-28 or 8 if the rarer were 20-28...

here in Italy we got all of them (not the companion and the Graphic Novel) with at least 3 editions of books 1-5 and 2 editions of all the others ecept 28 (damm a whole collection and the last book is different :S)

Oops! Yeah, I meant 8. You know, math and stuff... :P



That's nine (people always forget to include the first one when counting up from a multiple of ten, well, some people, most people....).
But only books 21-28 are actually very rare. Book 20 still features our favourite Lone Wolf character, while in the following 8 books (count 'em!), you play a different Kai Grand Master, from the newly trained Second Kai Order.
Another language that saw all 28 books published was French. Some (or all?) of the books are supposedly still available.
Angantyr said:
Another language that saw all 28 books published was French. Some (or all?) of the books are supposedly still available.

Only books 1-20 are still available in French. It must be mentioned that books 23 and 24 were inverted, and that some maps were missing from the Grand Master adventures (13-20). Also, maps disappeared completely as of book 21, and interior art as of book 23.
Balgin Stondraeg said:
That's nine (people always forget to include the first one when counting up from a multiple of ten, well, some people, most people....).

No, it's 8. Book 20 is part of the Lone Wolf GM series, and is not rare. In fact, it may be the most common one besides Shadow on the Sand, which was reprinted a number of times.
Really, Zipp? I've found the last four books in the Grand Master series to be extremely hard to find by comparison to the earlier books, but perhaps that's just my experience. Of course, they are nowhere near as difficult to locate (nor as expensive to purchase) as the New Order books.
Zipp Dementia said:
Balgin Stondraeg said:
That's nine (people always forget to include the first one when counting up from a multiple of ten, well, some people, most people....).

No, it's 8. Book 20 is part of the Lone Wolf GM series, and is not rare. In fact, it may be the most common one besides Shadow on the Sand, which was reprinted a number of times.

What? It took me years to get a copy of Shadow on the Sand and I only ever got to see 3 or 4 of the Grandmaster series which just all seemed to be a load of epic nonsense of big numbers, crowds of monsters and stuff. Not the small scale intimate real world feel of the old Lone Wolf adventures at all. So I didn't play them (the fact that the guy who owned them moved house shortly after he got them had something to do with it too).

In my expeirnece the most common books seemed to be 1, 8 & 9 with all the others being harder to find.
Actually, you should give them another go. There's actually quite a lot of sneaking around for old Lone Wolf in those, most of the time in fact. Lots of infiltration missions, sabotaging, rescuing old friends and such. As for monsters getting tougher, well that was to keep a certain game balance and keep LW on his toes. Only in books 19 and 20 do we see a metaphysical kind of adventure, and even then, they're still entertaining as they tried to do something else.

Project Aon have books 13-16 available right now, maybe you should have another go at them.
Zipp Dementia said:
Greg Smith said:
I also am not aware of how many have been translated into German, but you seem to speak English pretty good.

Thanks a lot, Zipp :)

All you guys thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. I'll "rediscover" my books during the coming long winter evenings and then will turn to those available at site.

See you around the boards folks...