Per my previous post regarding OGL and the "need" for every book that comes out (and the additional monetary outlay needed). From my years of RPGing (since 1977), I do feel there are reasons why some are critical of the book "glut."
- Player demand...there are always some member(s) of a group that want more than what the DM/GM can provide due to time restrictions...granted it may be one player, but in my experience it was usually the one who tended to act in a leadership capacity and would sway the rest of the group. Thus, to placate players (and keep group intact) and save time, GM/DM must buy more stuff; :?
- DM/GM "needs" it...whether through clever marketing, lack of time to further develop campaign, or the collector's instinctual need for "completeness," DM/GM buys more stuff; :roll:
- Game "Upgrades" in 3rd edition, 4th edition, revised edition, or whatever...see above reasons plus the usual hope that the game will improve in a significant way;
In any case, I just preferred Savage Worlds due to its format for fewer books needed, and if any additional stuff is needed...I find it much easier to create NPC's, monsters, treasure, etc. due to the game's simplicity...thus less time consuming as in some cases I find I have an easier time of doing it "on the fly."
OGL 3.5 isn't the only system guilty of this as most every RPG tends to do this at one time or another. :? Anyhow, I could probably go on and on about this, but I guess I'll end this rant with the old saying about how you can't please everybody...
Now back to our regularly scheduled praise of all things Conan and/or REH...

(I hope)