Solomani Confederation (Military)

Confederation Navy: Ultimate Admiral Dreadnought

1. The problem with vertical launching systems, grapples, or anything else installed externally on the hull, they tend to be one use only.

2. There's this mechanism called pop up turrets.

3. Presumably, without a turret, popping down leaves gap, and you a hatch closes on the hull.

4. The question becomes, if the internal gap is sufficient to reload the armaments.

5. With the grapples, probably.

6. In theory, vertical launch reloading requires a crane.

7. So you'd need enough internal space for a crane to manoeuvre the missiles into the launch cells.

8. That's probably more than a fourteen cubic metres.

9. You could probably pop down the vertical launch system further than one tonne.
Confederation Navy: Ultimate Admiral Dreadnought

A. If you're flying directly, either towards or away an attacker, a fixed sandcaster in either the tail or head, should be able to create a protective field against an incoming energy weapon.

B. Firing a laser, yourself, through that cloud should weaken it.

C. The second fixed weapon system should either be a missile rack, or a gauss cannon.

D. Or, Space Viking, a machine gun.

E. Though, I think, Piper meant an automatic cannon.

F. And since I've mentioned skiffs, you could add groundscale weapons systems.
Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry: Organization

Omnis pugnat, quis renuntiare potest.

Tactical Troop
. Headquarters Patrol
.. one
... cornet
.... one
... scoutmaster
.... one

. Tactical Patrol
.. three
... watchmaster
.... one
... lancer
.... three
... trooper
.... three
... volunteer
.... three

. attached
... transport
.... coxswain
..... three
... medical
.... combat medical specialist
..... three
.. Signals Patrol
... forward observer and controller
.... one
... remote operations lance
.... electronician
..... one
.... assistant
..... one
.... genius barista
..... one
... communications lance
.... electronician
..... one
.... assistant
..... one
.... genius barista
..... one
... sensors lance
.... electronician
..... one
.... assistant
..... one
.... genius barista
..... one
.. Weapons Patrol
... forward observer and controller
.... one
.. mortar lance
.... heavy weapons specialist
..... one
.... assistant
..... one
.... ammunition carrier
..... one
.. machinegun lance
.... heavy weapons specialist
..... one
.... assistant
..... one
.... ammunition carrier
..... one
.. missile launcher lance
.... heavy weapons specialist
..... one
.... assistant
..... one
.... ammunition carrier
..... one
.. Pioneer Patrol
... pioneer
.... one
.... sapper
..... one
.... assistant
..... one
.... ammunition carrier
..... one
.. explosive ordnance disposal lance
.... sapper
..... one
.... assistant
..... one
.... gopher
..... one
.. obstacle breach lance
.... sapper
..... one
.... assistant
..... one
.... gopher
..... one
.. improvised explosive devices lance
.... sapper
..... one
.... assistant
..... one
.... gopher
..... one

Nominal deployment.
Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry: Organization

Omnis pugnat, quis renuntiare potest.

It's a nominal order of battle, since it's possible all the specialists are available.

It sort of balances out my preference for pure rifle squads, with the required specialists that you would need for modern warfare.

Since this is dirtside focussed, deployment is either by direct aerospace assault, or a planetary landing with armoured fighting vehicles included.

Direct aerospace assault would be carried out with assault gliders (I figured out how to design them), and the troop would be, more or less, equally divided into three sticks, led respectively by the Cornet, the Scoutmaster, and the senior Watchmaster.

This particular Squadron configuration is meant to be the most balanced, and not reflective of the provisional ones, which basically would be on the job training.
Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry: Organization

Omnis pugnat, quis renuntiare potest.

In terms of Aliens, you'd send down a CAVALRY troop, instead of a Colonial Marine squad.

They'd approach in at least three all terrain vehicles, each holding a stick.

One stick investigates the facility, one stick acts as backup, and the last one is in reserve.

For the plot's sake, it is conceivable a stick is sent by itself on a small troop transport to investigate a distant moon, that's in the same parsec.
Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry: Weapons

Omnis pugnat, quis renuntiare potest.

Standard issued smallarm would be the Confederation Cutting/Edge Close Combat CAVALRY Carbine.

Basically, an advanced combat rifle, with default carbine barrel, forty five round capacity magazine, and minus gyrostabilizer.

Out of the three basic components, the buttstock will be hinged and hollowed out, for the gun cleaning kit, and likely some survival gadgets.

The receiver will remain mostly untouched, for that magic four and a half hundred default range.

You'll have a choice of three barrels, default carbine, handgun, and heavy very long.
Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry: Weapons

Omnis pugnat, quis renuntiare potest.

Rear area and support specialists would have their barrels switched to handgun, and the stocks hinged, which would be a support of awkward personal defence weapon, with two dice damage, but a default range of ninety metres, close twenty two and a half, which is really accurate at a decent distance.

Anywhere further than twenty five metres, you rehinge the stock.

The heavy long rifle barrel is meant to be utilized as a medium machinegun at five hundred sixty two and a half metres default range, since I'd say the advanced combat rifle sort of also fulfils the squad automatic weapon role.

The other use of it would be as a sort of lightish anti material gun, destructive force amplified by accurate automatic fire and a combination of explosive and armour penetrating rounds.
Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry: Weapons

Omnis pugnat, quis renuntiare potest.

One reason to reconfigure the advanced combat rifle into a pseudo medium machine gun is that the skill defaults to gun combat/slug thrower.

Also, anti drone, especially with quadruplets.

Less issues if utilized for riot control.
Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry: Weapons

Omnis pugnat, quis renuntiare potest.

I tend to think that snub pistols, specifically revolvers, are generally tolerated throughout Chartered Space, which means there is considerable availability, and familiarity, with them.

Forty metres default range places them with light handguns for range, damage is medium handgun, accuracy minus two, penetration minus one, and ammunition cost double that of medium handgun.

That tends to indicate it's more of self defence.

Which, in the tight confines of a spacecraft, with the low recoil feature, makes it ideal for the Traveller who likes to mind his own business.

And, would be the standard issued sidearm of the CAVALRY.

So, you only need two types of ammunition, those that work for the advanced combat rifle and snub pistol.