Solomani Confederation (Military)

Confederation Navy: TRI Fighter

L. Since it's considered a fairly modern fighter, it's going to have a factor/eight manoeuvre drive.

M. Default, that's two fifths of a tonne, four fifths of a megastarbux, and four power points.

N. We'll go with increased size as the budget disadvantage.

O. Inefficiency requires an additional one and one fifth power points.

P. In both cases, the total cost is reduced to three fifths of a megastarbux.
Confederation Navy: TRI Fighter

Q. Needing to look up the Tenzing class, did have an additional benefit.

R. All the same, torpedo grapples are more useful to explorers as probe-carriers.

S. The standard external grapple can carry two large probes or six small ones on a disposable multi-mount.

T. The standard external grapple can carry two large probes or six small ones on a disposable multi-mount.

U. Probes cannot be recovered to a grapple once launched, although unused probes can be manually demounted for deployment elsewhere.
Confederation Navy: TRI Fighter

V. Technically, large probes are torpedoes.

W. And small probes are missiles.

X. So, apparently, you can carry six independent missiles in torpedo grapple.

Y. Without needing to hollow out a torpedo fuselage.

Z. I guess a better descriptor would be TRI Fighter Bomber.
Confederation Navy: Fokker TRI Fighter

1. Conceived in Fifty Five Nineteen Anno Domini, as part of the Wunderwaffen wartime emergency programme(s).

2. Leftover nickel iron tailings were melted down, and allowed to cool in molds to become the hull of the new fighter design.

3. Of course, the cost should cover the organic internal gravity field.

4. Five tonne gravitated buffered ironick hull is twenty kilostarbux, armour factor/four, three hull points, and three and a quarter tonnes usable volume, default zero point six five power points for basic.

5. Single one and a half tonne cockpit at ten kilostarbux, with basic sensors, and computer/five at thirty kilostarbux.

6. Firmpointed torpedo grapple at a hundred kilostarbux, and three man portable fusion guns at a hundred kilostarbux, each in a quarter tonne compartment at the top of each spine, at five kilostarbux.

7. Two fifths of a tonne budgetted/inefficient manoeuvre drive factor/eight, at six hundred kilostarbux, requiring five and one fifth power points.

8. Half a tonne budgetted/inflated standard fusion reactor with six power point output, at three hundred seventy five kilostarbux, and a fifty kilogramme fuel tank.

9. Fifty kilogramme cargo; 1'450'000 starbux.
Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry: Organization

Omnis pugnat, quis renuntiare potest.

1. This shouldn't be a reflection on the Confederation Army, that had a more conventional order of battle.

2. Basically, the default CAVALRY Squadron would be divided into three divisions, with a Headquarters Troop.

3. The first division would be three tactical troops, consisting primarily of riflemen.

4. The second division would the Combat Support: Sapper Troop, Electronics Troop, and (Heavy) Weapons Troop.

5. The third division would be General Support: Logistics Troop, Medical Troop, and Transportation Troop.

6. Except for the Logistics Troop, individuals and cells would be detached from the other supporting troops to a tactical unit, as required.

7. I figured that any futuristic military formation is going to require considerable support.

8. Nominally, that's about thirty percent of the squadron at the pointy end.

9. Practical, more like half.
Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry: Organization

Omnis pugnat, quis renuntiare potest.

A. Transportation Troop are (space(craft)) pilots, engineers, and let's say mechanics.

B. Allocated spacecraft range from five tonnes to a hundred thousand, though, those would have a specialized squadron operating it.

C. Transportation leverage Confederation Navy surplus spacecraft, for orbit to ground connectors, and whatever the equivalent of a light utility helicopter would be.

D. In this case, it would be the Fokker Cheep Ultralite Transport Craft.

E. Sort of ironic, since Cheep was meant to be a reference to jeep.

F. And I now needed something like the Boeing Little Bird.
Confederation Navy: Fokker TRI Fighter export model

1. Post bellum rearmament programme, for client states and member navies that prefer a simpler (and cheaper) variant.

2. Leftover nickel iron tailings were melted down, and allowed to cool in molds to become the hull of the new fighter design.

3. The cost should cover the organic internal gravity field.

4. Five tonne gravitated buffered ironick hull is twenty kilostarbux, armour factor/four, three hull points, and three and a quarter tonnes usable volume, default zero point six five power points for basic.

5. Single one and a half tonne cockpit at ten kilostarbux, with basic sensors, and computer/five at thirty kilostarbux.

6. Firmpointed torpedo grapple at a hundred kilostarbux, and three man portable plasma guns at a twenty kilostarbux, each in a quarter tonne compartment at the top of each spine, at five kilostarbux.

7. Three tenths of a tonne budgetted/inefficient manoeuvre drive factor/six, at four and a half hundred kilostarbux, requiring three and nine tenths power points.

8. Half a tonne budgetted/inflated standard fusion reactor with six power point output, at three hundred seventy five kilostarbux, and a fifty kilogramme fuel tank.

9. One and a half hundred kilogramme cargo; 1'060'000 starbux.
Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry: Organization

Omnis pugnat, quis renuntiare potest.

A. You try to identify pilot candidates from the volunteers, who'd be outstanding at piloting spacecraft, but likely unsuited to military life, and especially naval aerospaciation.

B. We'll assume that private pilot training remains rather expensive, so that those who could be outstanding pilots don't normally have the opportunity to train.

C. Even with the CAVALRY, trainee pilot slots are limited, so candidates are vetted, and offered the opportunity.

D. Dexterity and Intelligence would be prime considerations, with Solomani Security personal dossiers given lip service.

E. Volunteers who have already have minimum Pilot/zero skill will automatically get shunted to C2 Specialist Pilot.

F. Usually, Pilot Specialists tend to be employed taxiing cargo and personnel.
Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry: Organization

Omnis pugnat, quis renuntiare potest.

C0 Trainee - Pilot
C1 Coxswain's Mate
C2 Specialist - Pilot, Coxswain
C3 Watchmaster - cell leader
C4 Boatswain
C5 Shipmaster
C6 Cornet - Flight Leader
C7 (Group) Captain

Cell - two-three
Flight - two-three cells
Group - two-nine flights, plus command flight

Confederation Navy: comparison

N0 Midshipman - trainee
N1 Ensign - naval aerospaciator
N2 (Flight) Lieutenant - Flight Leader
N3 (Wing) Commander - Wing Commander
N4 (Group) Captain - Aerospace Group Commander
N5 Contra Admiral - Aerospace Flotilla Commander
N6 Rear Admiral - Quadrant Aerospace coordinator
N7 Vice Admiral - Sector Aerospace coordinator

Division - two-three fighters
Flight - two-six divisions; major combatant, escort carrier
Wing - two-six flights, plus command flight; capital starwarship, light carrier
Group - two-six wings, plus command wing; Fleet Division
Flotilla - two-six groups; Fleet Squadron
Force - two plus flotilla
Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry: Organization

Omnis pugnat, quis renuntiare potest.

G. While CAVALRY troopers do tend to learn on the job, Transport Troop pilots aren't likely to have the time, once the Squadron deploys dirtside.

H. They should be busy supporting the Squadron in general, and detachments specifically, usually logistically and reconnaissancically.

I. Transport Troop pilots have a preexisting Pilot skill, usually factor/zero.

J. The Coxswain's Mate(s) are riflemen, that has been assigned to the Transport Troop, for the grunt work.

K. Riflemen are normally circulated through the tactical and support troops, to see if the demonstrate any affinity to a specialization, and get them off the frontline.
Confederation Army: Brevet Ranks

B0 Recruit
B1 Lance Corporal
B2 Lance Sergeant
B3 Second Lieutenant
B4 First Lieutenant
B5 Lieutenant Captain
B6 Lieutenant Colonel
B7 Brigadier
B8 (Field) Marshal - system joint forces commander
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Confederation Navy: Brevet Ranks.

B0 Landsman
B1 Matross
B2 Mate
B3 Space Cadet
B4 Sublieutenant
B5 Lieutenant Commander
B6 Lieutenant Captain
B7 Commodore - flag officer, Fleet Division commanding officer, squadron commander, flotilla commander, task force commander, system naval force commander
B8 (Sky) Marshal - system joint forces commander

This one is rather tougher.

I considered General Admiral as a brevet rank for system joint commander, navy biased; but, it was too awkward, though undoubtedly both accurate and humorous.

Sky Marshal is a preexisting rank from Heinlein, and folds in with Confederation Marshal, whose office apparently acts as a legate for, and presumably, on behalf, the Solomani Confederation.

With the Army it's rather easy, enlisted rank gets added a lance adjective, commissioned ranks the adjective lieutenant.

Brigadier becomes a noun.

Recruit is neutral, and sounds better than trainee, apprentice, draftee, or conscript.

Landsman implies some form of involuntary recruitment; with ground forces, you just hand someone a gun, and drill him sufficiently to gun combat factor zero; less inclined to let someone semi trained run around a spacecraft.
Captain - courtesy title for any commanding officer of a Confederation Navy starwarship
Commodore - honorary title for a Solomani or foreign dignitary, somehow connected to the Confederation Navy
Admiral - courtesy title for any active or retired Confederation Navy flag officer

Brigadier- honorary title for a Solomani or foreign dignitary, somehow connected to the Confederation Army
General - courtesy title for any active or retired Confederation Army general officer

Outside of Brigadier General and Fleet Admiral, I didn't want a specific association between the rank title, the office holder, and the formation he commanded, since alternatives included corvette/frigate/ship of the line lieutenant/captain, and Flotilla/Division/Squadron Admiral; obviously, decided against General Admiral, besides the awkwardness, wanted to keep General associated with the army.

There is at Sea, or supposedly in our case, at Space, or in Space, for army ranks, lieutenant/captain/colonel/general. Whether that implies the predominance of the Army in the military, at least, initially. In English, seems awkward, though maybe as a planetary Space Force, which in any case, wouldn't affect the Confederation Navy.
Confederation Navy: Officer Rank Insignia

Finally got around to watching the last episode of Lower Decks, probably the only thing worthwhile from the current round of Star Trek spinoffs.

Occasionally, I mention that that the Confederation Navy is eerily similar to Starfleet, I think they should adopt the simplicity of their officer rank insignia, somewhat modified by my preferences.

❍ 0 Midshipman
⬤ 1 Ensign
⬤⬤ 2 Lieutenant
⬤⬤⬤ 3 Commander
⬤⬤⬤⬤ 4 Captain

✦ 5 Counter Admiral
✦✦ 6 Rear Admiral
✦✦✦ 7 Vice Admiral
✦✦✦✦ 8 Fleet Admiral
✦✦✦✦✦ 9 Grand Admiral of the Solomani Confederation Navy

❍ Midshipman
⬤❍ Sublieutenant, brevet rank
⬤⬤❍ Lieutenant Commander
⬤⬤⬤❍ Captain Lieutenant

✧ Commodore, brevet rank, ceremonial rank, honorary rank, courtesy
✧✧ Admiral [of the Fleet], brevet rank, ceremonial rank, honorary rank, courtesy
✧✧✧ Admiral of the Confederation, military distinction (in other words, you really have to have earned it, generally a very successful campaign, as compared to just getting lucky and winning a battle)
✧✧✧✧ [Grand] Admiral of the Solomani Confederation Navy, retired (there is only one five star flag officer at any time in the Confederation, the currently serving Grand Admiral)

⬤ permanent rank [filled circle]
❍ brevetted rank [empty circle]
✦ permanent flag rank [filled four point star]
✧ courtesy flag rank [empty four point star]

Confederation Navy: Officer Rank Insignia

❍ 0 Midshipman
⬤ 1 Ensign
⬤⬤ 2 Lieutenant
⬤⬤⬤ 3 Commander
⬤⬤⬤⬤ 4 Captain

✦ 5 Counter Admiral
✦✦ 6 Rear Admiral
✦✦✦ 7 Vice Admiral
✦✦✦✦ 8 Fleet Admiral
✦✦✦✦✦ 9 Grand Admiral of the Solomani Confederation Navy

❍ Midshipman
⬤❍ Sublieutenant, brevet rank
⬤⬤❍ Lieutenant Commander
⬤⬤⬤❍ Captain Lieutenant

✧ Commodore, brevet rank, ceremonial rank, honorary rank, courtesy
✧✧ Admiral [of the Fleet], brevet rank, ceremonial rank, honorary rank, courtesy
✧✧✧ Admiral of the Confederation, military distinction (in other words, you really have to have earned it, generally a very successful campaign, as compared to just getting lucky and winning a battle)
✧✧✧✧ [Grand] Admiral of the Solomani Confederation Navy, retired (there is only one five star flag officer at any time in the Confederation, the currently serving Grand Admiral)

⬤ permanent rank [filled circle] SUN implied Sol
❍ brevetted rank [empty circle] Eclipsed Sun
✦ permanent flag rank [filled four point star] STAR
✧ courtesy flag rank [empty four point star] Eclipsed Star
✧ honourary flag rank [empty four point star] Eclipsed Star
✧ brevetted flag rank [empty four point star] Eclipsed Star
✧ frocked flag rank [empty four point star] Eclipsed Star
Solomani Security: Insignia

X Lieutenant
XX Captain
XXX Major
XXXX Colonel

㉦ System Coordinator
㉦㉦ Subsector Coordinator
㉦㉦㉦ Quadrant Coordinator
㉦㉦㉦㉦ Sector Coordinator
㉦㉦㉦㉦㉦ Coordinator General
Solomani Security: Ranks

1. I suspect that originally it was supposed to follow the Kay Gee Bee hierarchy, hence army ranking.

2. Coordinator General is mentioned in Alienated Too.

3.. This may be representative of both the organization's paramilitary nature, and supposed civilian control.

4. I had commissar general, director general, controller general lined up to fill the gap between field ranks and the chairman, it didn't sound right.

5. Commissar and director could be more appointments to Directorates and military units.

6. Not really fond of using regional designations, but felt terms like vice and assistant awkward, especially spread out amongst four tiers.

7. Coordinator actually works, since it's mostly bureaucratic from flag rank onwards, considering how much information has to flow through their respective offices.

8. I'd be willing to drop the sector from Sector Coordinator, and change it to Coordinator Director, since Directorates would require the same amount of responsibility and authority as supervising a sector.

9. I thought the three pointed star appropriate, alluding to the fact that Solomani Security is the third leg of the State.
Solomani Security: Insignia

Officer Candidate
🕀 Lieutenant
🕀🕀 Captain
🕀🕀🕀 Major
🕀🕀🕀🕀 Colonel

㉦ Deputy Coordinator - implies law enforcement; system
㉦㉦ Assistant Coordinator - subsector
㉦㉦㉦ Vice Coordinator - quadrant
㉦㉦㉦㉦ Chief Coordinator - sector and directorates
㉦㉦㉦㉦㉦ Coordinator General - ministerial rank
Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry: Insignia

Omnis pugnat, quis renuntiare potest.

▲ Trooper
▼ Lancer

◆︎ Junior Warrant Officer
■ Senior Warrant Officer
⬟ Chief Warrant Officer

(Regimental) Colonels and (Squadron) Captains have a great deal of leeway regarding insignias, uniforms and equipment

☄️ Cornet - comet
☀️ Captain - sun
🌠 Colonel - shooting star

⚔️ should be crossed sabre and scabbard

defaults to Navy insignia

❍ Cornet - eclipsed sun, or corona
⬤ Captain - sun
✧ Colonel - four point star

empty centre, with either different coloured background, and/or symbol

⛛ Specialist
◇ Junior Warrant Officer
☐ Senior Warrant Officer
⬠ Chief Warrant Officer, pentagon implies staff
Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry: Organization

Omnis pugnat, quis renuntiare potest.

. three
. Tactical Troop
.... three
.. Command patrol
... Cornet
... Scoutmaster
... Signaller, attached
... Sapper, attached
... Medic, attached
... Weapons cell, attached
.... Specialist - Heavy Weapons
.... Trooper, attached
.... Volunteer, attached

.. Tactical patrol
.... three
... Command Cell
.... Watchmaster
... Tactical Cell
...... three
..... Lancer
..... Trooper
..... Volunteer

. four cheeps
1. Let's imagine Aliens, but a CAVALRY Squadron is dispatched to investigate, instead of a Colonial Marine squad.

2. One tactical troop is sent, with one on stand by, and the last one in reserve.

3. If the tactical troop is not to be dropped direct into a hot zone, they can be taxied close by with unarmoured cheeps, and could deploy forward with ground vehicles.

4. Or, walk.

5. If ground vehicles could not be sourced locally, and/or prepositioned, a carryall would be required to transport them to the landing zone.

6. One patrol would be sent into the facility to reconnoiter, with one in support, and the third in reserve.

7. It's unlikely that most of the troopers had additional skills like welding, or electronics, which is why medical, electronics, and combat engineering are attached.

8. And one guy who knows which end of a missile tube needs to face forward.

9. The command patrol usually stays with the middle or reserve patrol, with either the troop leader or commander forward with the front patrol.