Confederation Navy: Officer Rank Insignia
Finally got around to watching the last episode of Lower Decks, probably the only thing worthwhile from the current round of Star Trek spinoffs.
Occasionally, I mention that that the Confederation Navy is eerily similar to Starfleet, I think they should adopt the simplicity of their officer rank insignia, somewhat modified by my preferences.
❍ 0 Midshipman
⬤ 1 Ensign
⬤⬤ 2 Lieutenant
⬤⬤⬤ 3 Commander
⬤⬤⬤⬤ 4 Captain
✦ 5 Counter Admiral
✦✦ 6 Rear Admiral
✦✦✦ 7 Vice Admiral
✦✦✦✦ 8 Fleet Admiral
✦✦✦✦✦ 9 Grand Admiral of the Solomani Confederation Navy
❍ Midshipman
⬤❍ Sublieutenant, brevet rank
⬤⬤❍ Lieutenant Commander
⬤⬤⬤❍ Captain Lieutenant
✧ Commodore, brevet rank, ceremonial rank, honorary rank, courtesy
✧✧ Admiral [of the Fleet], brevet rank, ceremonial rank, honorary rank, courtesy
✧✧✧ Admiral of the Confederation, military distinction (in other words, you really have to have earned it, generally a very successful campaign, as compared to just getting lucky and winning a battle)
✧✧✧✧ [Grand] Admiral of the Solomani Confederation Navy, retired (there is only one five star flag officer at any time in the Confederation, the currently serving Grand Admiral)
⬤ permanent rank [filled circle]
❍ brevetted rank [empty circle]
✦ permanent flag rank [filled four point star]
✧ courtesy flag rank [empty four point star]
Confederation Navy: Officer Rank Insignia
❍ 0 Midshipman
⬤ 1 Ensign
⬤⬤ 2 Lieutenant
⬤⬤⬤ 3 Commander
⬤⬤⬤⬤ 4 Captain
✦ 5 Counter Admiral
✦✦ 6 Rear Admiral
✦✦✦ 7 Vice Admiral
✦✦✦✦ 8 Fleet Admiral
✦✦✦✦✦ 9 Grand Admiral of the Solomani Confederation Navy
❍ Midshipman
⬤❍ Sublieutenant, brevet rank
⬤⬤❍ Lieutenant Commander
⬤⬤⬤❍ Captain Lieutenant
✧ Commodore, brevet rank, ceremonial rank, honorary rank, courtesy
✧✧ Admiral [of the Fleet], brevet rank, ceremonial rank, honorary rank, courtesy
✧✧✧ Admiral of the Confederation, military distinction (in other words, you really have to have earned it, generally a very successful campaign, as compared to just getting lucky and winning a battle)
✧✧✧✧ [Grand] Admiral of the Solomani Confederation Navy, retired (there is only one five star flag officer at any time in the Confederation, the currently serving Grand Admiral)
⬤ permanent rank [filled circle]
SUN implied Sol
❍ brevetted rank [empty circle]
Eclipsed Sun
✦ permanent flag rank [filled four point star]
✧ courtesy flag rank [empty four point star]
Eclipsed Star
✧ honourary flag rank [empty four point star]
Eclipsed Star
✧ brevetted flag rank [empty four point star]
Eclipsed Star
✧ frocked flag rank [empty four point star]
Eclipsed Star