Solomani Confederation (Military)

A. Sergeant Apone would be the Scoutmaster.

B. One of his roles would be to babysit the Cornet.

C. At the same time, lead the troop.

D. Corporal Hicks would be a Watchmaster.

E. His job would be to lead his assigned patrol, and attached personnel.

F. If Hudson were a Volunteer, he could quit at any time.
Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry: Organization

Omnis pugnat, quis renuntiare potest.

Penal Squadron
. Headquarters Troop
.. Chief Commissar
.. Quartermaster
.. Barrier Troop
... Senior Commissar
... Peacekeeps
.... thirty

. Penal Troop
.... four
.. Command patrol
... Senior Commissar
... Scoutmaster
... Signaller, attached
... Sapper, attached
... Medic, attached
... Weapons cell, attached
.... Specialist - Heavy Weapons
.... Trustee, attached
.... Conscript, attached
..... four

.. Tactical Gang
.... four
... Command Cell
.... Junior Commissar
... Penal Cell
...... four
..... Trustee
..... Conscript
....... four
1. I'd say that the Confederation military aren't keen on penal battalions, preferring qualified volunteers.

2. Though Verlorener Haufen for one off missions is an option.

3. Since CAVALRY regiments are dependent on sponsorships, Solomani Security does occasionally have a squadron set up and customized to it's requirements.

4. The default order of battle way exceeds the cap of two hundred ninety nine enlisted personnel.

5. Since it's usually Solomani Security that polices this, and gives exceptions, it becomes a non issue.

6. And, unlikely to be one, after the first casualty reports.

7. For most CAVALRY Squadrons, here's usually a mix of commissioned officers from the Marines, Navy, and the Regiment itself.

8. The Commissars are all assigned to the Penal Squadron by Solomani Security, usually from their own personnel.

9. Conscripts are vetted for useful skill sets, and are promoted to specialists.
Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry: Organization

Omnis pugnat, quis renuntiare potest.

Penal Squadron/Band
. Headquarters Troupe
.. Chief Commissar
.. Quartermaster
.. Case Manager
.. Counselor
.. Barrier Troop
... Trusty shooter
... Guardian
... Enforcer
... Senior Commissar
... Peacekeeps
.... thirty

. Troupe
.... four
.. Command Posse
... Senior Commissar
... Scoutmaster
... Signaller, attached
... Sapper, attached
... Medic, attached
... Weapons cell, attached
.... Specialist - Heavy Weapons
.... Trustee, attached
.... Conscript, attached
..... four

.. Posse
.... four
... Command Cell
.... Junior Commissar
.... Foreman
... Cell
...... four
..... Trustee
..... Conscript
....... four

. Weapons Troupe

. Transport Troupe

. Sapper Troupe

. Headquarters Troupe
.. Headquarters Command Posse
.. Medical Posse
.. Signals Posse
.. Logistics Posse
A. Decided on a square formation, four plus one.

B. And fifty percent support.

C. Assuming they haven't been dissolved by now, or disintegrated, I've always wondered where the Russians found so many specialists for their assault detachments.

D. Survival of the luckiest?

E. Trusty shooter aspect aside, you really need an effective Barrier Troop staffed with loyalists.

F. Transport would basically be a large assault shuttle, to deploy an entire Penal Troupe.
G. You probably want to keep penalists segregated.

H. You'd need either a battle barge, or a starship with minimum crews, that's hard to hijack.

I. Since you're not going for s shootout at close orbit, armament would be minimum.

J. At best, ortillery support, rather than surgical strikes.

K. Support craft would be large assault shuttles, and small to medium sized supply shuttles.
L. Why would Solomani Security think this is a plausible option?

M. The Confederation, as a whole, and the Solomani Security, specifically, don't consider widespread incarceration either a smart or financially viable solution.

N. Transporting criminals and malcontents to distant rimward destinations tends land these involuntary settlers outside their effective supervision, and control.

O. So you place them somewhere fairly close by, where they can be usefully employed, and kept an eye on.

P. And, in order to keep them there, allow them to develop vested interests.
Q. You start seeding settlements along the Confederation's spinward border.

R. Since they need to resist Aslan encroachment, you'll need to train and arm them.

S. Offering frontier free freeholds to incentivize settlement.

T. And commutation of sentences.

U. As well as transportation, to act as indentured labour.
Confederation Navy: Ultimate Admiral Dreadnought

1. Decided to play what supposedly the last update.

2. Picked British Empire.

3. Outside of taking over Oman and Thailand, and the Canadians annexing Newfoundland, not much changed.

4. Decided to concentrate on gross domestic product, shipyard expansion, research, transport capacity, and training.

5. The French figured out that first, and have an economy three or four times of mine.

6. While still doing imperialism.

7. Italians are near peer to me.

8. I decided on a pacifistic foreign policy.

9. And actively kissed a lot of ass to avoid attempts of a hostile takeover.
Last edited:
Confederation Navy: Ultimate Admiral Dreadnought

A. Along the way you accumulate client states.

B. Or, more diplomatically, minor allies.

C. As any dealer knows, you have to have capacity to supply the clients' requirements.

D. That's why the shipyards need to expand.

E. Also, the ability to ramp up production prior to, and during, a conflict.

F. Though, with a tight schedule, you probably have to opt for Jeune Ecole doctrine.
Confederation Navy: Ultimate Admiral Dreadnought

G. Despite an occasional update, quite a lot of clients opt for the original Eighteen Ninety line up.

H. My guess is that the game engine is somewhat broken.

I. Or, because, thirty five years later, their cost is a helluvalot cheaper.

J. Client states may decide to purchase lower teched spacecraft for budgetary reasons.

K. Combined with local facilities' capability to maintain them.
Confederation Navy: Ultimate Admiral Dreadnought

L. I notice that the older a hull gets, the defects it accumulates.

M. And, that of the onboard weapon systems.

N. I wondered if it's worth committing these assets to combat.

O. If I didn't value the experienced crews assigned to them.

P. I think there is a mechanism to refit them.
Confederation Navy: Ultimate Admiral Dreadnought

Q. Technology can advance rapidly.

R. What could be done is build it with nominal armament, and then plan a refit when the more advanced versions become available.

S. For us, minor refits exclude engineering, launch tubes, and spinal mounts.

T. Bays and turrets are basically pop ins.

U. Computers are virtual, and electronics a minor inconvenience.
Confederation Navy: Ultimate Admiral Dreadnought

V. Refit is possible.

W. You make a template of an existing design/class, and alter what you want changed.

X. Then you can pick one or more ships of that class, and refit them.

Y. As far as I can tell, the refit costs the difference between the replaced components.

Z. Our mechanism is percentwise way more expensive.
Confederation Navy: Ultimate Admiral Dreadnought

1. One of the consequences of technological change, is that you can't incorporate obsolete components in your designs.

2. The torpedo boat (hull) concept gets superceded by the torpedo boat destroyer, and in the game, is basically no longer available.

3. It is, however, about as cheap as you can get.

4. In theory, modernize the single torpedo tube weapon system, on occasion, and you could practice asymmetrical warfare.

5. The torpedo does become an equalizer, against large combatants.

6. And, I suppose, merchantmen, if you go raiding littorally.

7. True, you do have motor torpedo boats in the Great Patriotic War.

8. But the game doesn't give you that option.

9. And old destroyer hulls just don't quite cut it.
Confederation Navy: Ultimate Admiral Dreadnought

A. I'm sort of reminded of the Harrier.

B. Two hundred tonnes and two hardpoints.

C. Ten tonne bridge, or six, if you don't mind the intimacy.

D. If you modify it, you could stick on a barbette, with any particular weapon system you fancy.

E. The advantage of a torpedo launcher, or missile, is that you can opt for really advanced variants, with greater performance.

F. As opposed to needing a refit, if a climb up the technological tree is desired.
Confederation Navy: Ultimate Admiral Dreadnought

G. While patrol or torpedo boats exceed two hundred tonnes, it fits within the mechanics of the design rules.

H. The next optimization point being a kilotonne.

I. Essentially, at that tonnage, in a real engagement, you don't want to hang around too long within the range of the enemy's weapon systems.

J. So you'll want something that very effective, but don't need a lot of during a window of opportunity.

K. That's why torpedoes.
Confederation Navy: Ultimate Admiral Dreadnought

L. It seems likely that at technological level eleven someone came up with the concept of an interstellar motor torpdo boat.

M. You combine jump factor two with acceleration factor five.

N. Lack of armour plating is a feature, not a flaw.

O. You get close enough to launch the torpedoes, or missiles.

P. The second weapon system is more to deter interceptors and other schnellboots, or shoot up small spacecraft.
Confederation Navy: Ultimate Admiral Dreadnought

Q. In theory, you could convert a hardpoint into three firmpoints.

R. The one tonne single turret could act as a twenty millimetre Oerlikon.

S. The two remaining firmpoints would be two missile racks.

T. I don't think they could be converted, ala Harrier, into torpedo tubes.

U. Though in the Confederation Navy, you could with a CoCoMisTer with two additional tonnes.
Confederation Navy: Ultimate Admiral Dreadnought

V. You could also install a torpedo grapple on the hardpoint.

W. For a quarter of a million starbux, you can externally attach four torpedoes.

X. Though, for three tenths of a megastarbux, you could firmpointedly grapple four torpedoes, and still have a single turret.

Y. You could launch them singularly, or all together.

Z. And once you've unloaded your ready payload, you can get lost.