Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry: Organization
Omnis pugnat, quis renuntiare potest.
11 Social Standing plus one
12 Carousing
13 Deception
14 Gambling
15 Persuasion
16 Steward
21 Education plus one
22 Art
23 Broker
24 Gambling
25 Profession
26 Science
31 Dexterity plus one
32 Endurance plus one
33 Strength plus one
34 Athletics
35 Melee
36 Vacuum Suit
41 Strength plus one
42 Athletics
43 Driver
44 Flyer
45 Melee
46 Streetwise
51 Endurance plus one
52 Animals
53 Mechanic
54 Navigation
55 Seafarer
56 Survival
61 Intelligence plus one
62 Electronics
63 Medic
64 Streetwise
65 Survival
66 Jack of All Trades
1 Athletics
2 Driver
3 Heavy Weapons
4 Melee
5 Stealth
6 Vacuum Suit
ADVANCED EDUCATION requirement minimum Education/six
1 Electronics
2 Explosives
3 Mechanic
4 Medic
5 Profession
6 Reconnaissance
OFFICER Warrant or Commissioned
1 Administration
2 Advocate
3 Diplomat
4 Investigate
5 Leadership
6 Tactics
RANK Paygrade
0 C0 Volunteer Gun Combat/one
1 C1 Trooper Reconnaissance/one
2 C2 Lancer Tactics/one
3 C3 Watchmaster Leadership/one
3 C4 Scoutmaster Administration/one
4 C5 Quartermaster Social Standing/eight, requirement profession/Logistician/one, Broker/one, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/two
4 C6 Cornet Leadership plus one
5 C7 Captain Diplomat/one
6 C8 Colonel Social Standing/(ten or plus one - whichever is higher), promoted through the ranks
7 O9 Colonel General of the CAVALRY requirement Grand Admiral of the Solomani Confederation Navy
RANK Paygrade Specialist Administration
2 C2a Clerk requirement Administrator/zero, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
3 C3a Administrator requirement Administrator/one, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
4 C5a Paymaster requirement profession/Accountant/one, Administrator/two, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/two
RANK Paygrade Specialist Combat Engineers
2 C2c Sapper requirement Explosives/zero, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
3 C3c Miner requirement Explosives/one, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
4 C4c Engineermaster requirement profession/Civil Engineer/one, Explosives/two, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
RANK Paygrade Specialist Maintenance
2 C2m Mechanician requirement Mechanic/zero, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
3 C3m Technician requirement Mechanic/one
4 C4m Ironmaster requirement profession/Gunsmith/one, Mechanic/two, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
RANK Paygrade Specialist Medical and Nutrition
2 C2y Cook requirement profession/Cook/zero, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
3 C3y Chef requirement profession/Cook/one, profession/Dietician/zero, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
2 C2b Medic requirement Medical/zero, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
3 C3b Corpsman requirement Medical/one, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
4 C4b Dockmaster requirement profession/Dietician/one, Medical/two, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
RANK Paygrade Specialist Signals
2 C2s Electronician requirement Electronics/zero, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
3 C3s Signaller requirement Electronics/one, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
4 C4s Webmaster requirement profession/Hacker/one, Electronics/two, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
RANK Paygrade Specialist
4 C5t Taskmaster requirement Tactics/two, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/two
4 C5i Spymaster requirement Deception/zero, Streetwise/zero, Advocate/zero, Investigate/zero, Electronics/zero, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
3 C4d Drillmaster requirement senior Scoutmaster
1 C1z Marksman requirement Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/two, Stealth/zero
2 C2z Sharpshooter requirement Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/three, Stealth/zero
3 C3z Sniper requirement Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/four, Stealth/one
RANK Paygrade Specialist Flight
1 C1f Flight Cadet
2 C2f Aerospatialist requirement Pilot/zero, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
3 C3f Aerospacenaut requirement Pilot/one/smallcraft, Gunner/zero, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
4 C4f Flightmaster requirement Pilot/two/smallcraft, Gunner/one/turret, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
4 C5f Ridingmaster requirement Pilot/three/smallcraft, Gunner/two/turret, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
4 C6f Flight Officer/Cornet requirement Pilot/three/smallcraft, Gunner/two/turret, Athletics/zero, Gun Combat/zero
#### Provisional Squadron [nominal organization]
Binom - one Volunteer, one Trooper [senpai/kohai]
Lance - three Binoms, one Lancer [basically, expecting attrition from casualties and resignations] three Volunteers, three Troopers. one Lancer
Patrol - three Lances, one Watchmaster [highly experienced] nine Volunteers, nine Troopers, three lancers, one Watchmaster
Troop - three Patrols, one Scoutmaster, one Cornet; twenty seven Volunteers, twenty seven Troopers, nine Lancers, three Watchmasters, one Scoutmaster, one Cornet
Squadron - three Troops [plus Headquarters Troop] eighty one Volunteers, eighty one Troopers, twenty seven Lancers, nine Watchmasters, three Scoutmasters, three Cornets
Headquarters Troop - balance ninety five
Headquarters - Captain, Lieutenant Captain/Senior Cornet, Cornet/Ensign, Quartermaster, Paymaster, Spymaster, Taskmaster, Scoutmaster/Drillmaster
Administration detachment - (Paymaster), one Administrator, three Clerks
Combat Engineers detachment - Engineermaster, three Miners, six Sappers
Maintenance detachment - Ironmaster, one Technician, three Mechanicians
Medical and Nutrition detachment - Dockmaster, four Corpsman, nine Medics, one Chef, three Cooks
Signals detachment - Webmaster, three Signallers, six Electronicians
Weapons detachment - (Lieutenant Captain/Senior Cornet), one Watchmaster, three Lancers, nine Troopers, one Sniper, two Sharpshooters, four Marksmen
Logistics detachment - nineteen Volunteers
Guard detachment - (Cornet/Ensign), one Lancer, four Troopers
### Composite Squadron
Division - one to three spacecraft
Flight - one to three Divisions (plus Headquarters Division)
Squadron - one to six Flights (plus Staff Flight, Maintenance Flight, Security Flight, and Training Flight)
Light Fight Flight
ten light fighters
Fighter Flight
ten medium fighters
Transport Flight
ten (medium) shuttles
Spacetime Patrol Flight