Ahh, I missed the Light-Footed thing, dang it.

See what happens when I skim the post in order to be quick with the snarky comment?
As to sneak attack being overpowered, I've seen this discussed many times and for many D20/D&D games. I've argued both sides of the matter. I see it as such:
(1) sneak attack is a core ability of thieves/rogues/etc. These characters tend to be weak in a one-on-one fight, but their ambush and dirty fighting techniques (i.e. flanking SA) fit the character concept very well.
(2) The damage dealt generally doesn't match a warrior-type's raw output over time, though Improved Feint changes this somewhat. Thieves still find it harder to connect multiple times per round.
(3) If it snubs common sense for each flanking attack to be a sneak attack, house-rule it to only apply to one flanked attack per target per round. you could also deny SA samage on any Finesse attack that fails to penetrate armor.
(4) Especially in
Conan, the thief takes the place of an assassin very nicely, especially with levels in another class. If they can get the jump on a small group of weaker targets, it's extremely cool to be able to silence them all in 1 round before they raise an alarm.
(5) I've spend over $300 on this bloody game so far and I haven't played so much as a session. Is it any wonder I'm so grumpy on the boards? :x