roughneck GIR said:
Stratos said:
When using super scupy to make customized action figure bits we used to use rubbing alcohol to smooth out unwanted bumps and finger prints from the compound... can this same technique be applied to Citadel / Reaper Green Stuff?
Water is all I can say to that bud
Greenstuff is wonderful, I only wish I could buy enough to build my own miniatures line(darn you conversions and australian cap sergeant)
As for removing finger prints water on your fingers with gentle strokes with your pointer finger works
I can't believe you are getting more experience with greenstuff than I am 8)
... but two things.
1. Supersculp and greenstuff are way different. the Rubbing alcohol was something I learned when working with supersculpy. I wouldn't try it with greenstuff unless it was some crappy test model or something.
2. Reaper guys and girl at Gencon said water or spit will help you work with greenstuff.