Smoothing Green / Brown Stuff?


When using super scupy to make customized action figure bits we used to use rubbing alcohol to smooth out unwanted bumps and finger prints from the compound... can this same technique be applied to Citadel / Reaper Green Stuff?

I just use spit. Or if I'm feeling like making it greasy and difficulty to work with Vaseline.

For green stuff that is.
Thanks Buggrit. I use water when molding it into shape and on my tools but I can't seem to get rid of the fingerprints. I don't want it sticky/tacky so I don't want to use Vaseline.
well, saliva is thicker than water. This helps smooth it out, Im not saying lick the model :P But, do wash your sculpting tool in clean water and then lick it, its a nasty thought, but the best of em do it.
If you want to smooth Green Stuff, Kneadite, Brown Stuff or Mililput, one of the best things to use is a small container of water with a small amount of washing up detergant added to it. You can also use the detergant neat from the bottle as it will smooth out any fingerprints or blemishes.

Thanks go to sculptors Jes Goodwin and Aly Morrison for that tip.

Stratos said:
When using super scupy to make customized action figure bits we used to use rubbing alcohol to smooth out unwanted bumps and finger prints from the compound... can this same technique be applied to Citadel / Reaper Green Stuff?

Water is all I can say to that bud :)
Greenstuff is wonderful, I only wish I could buy enough to build my own miniatures line(darn you conversions and australian cap sergeant)

As for removing finger prints water on your fingers with gentle strokes with your pointer finger works
roughneck GIR said:
Stratos said:
When using super scupy to make customized action figure bits we used to use rubbing alcohol to smooth out unwanted bumps and finger prints from the compound... can this same technique be applied to Citadel / Reaper Green Stuff?

Water is all I can say to that bud :)
Greenstuff is wonderful, I only wish I could buy enough to build my own miniatures line(darn you conversions and australian cap sergeant)

As for removing finger prints water on your fingers with gentle strokes with your pointer finger works

I can't believe you are getting more experience with greenstuff than I am 8)
... but two things.

1. Supersculp and greenstuff are way different. the Rubbing alcohol was something I learned when working with supersculpy. I wouldn't try it with greenstuff unless it was some crappy test model or something.
2. Reaper guys and girl at Gencon said water or spit will help you work with greenstuff.

Lt. BillyC said:
roughneck GIR said:
Stratos said:
When using super scupy to make customized action figure bits we used to use rubbing alcohol to smooth out unwanted bumps and finger prints from the compound... can this same technique be applied to Citadel / Reaper Green Stuff?

Water is all I can say to that bud :)
Greenstuff is wonderful, I only wish I could buy enough to build my own miniatures line(darn you conversions and australian cap sergeant)

As for removing finger prints water on your fingers with gentle strokes with your pointer finger works

I can't believe you are getting more experience with greenstuff than I am 8)
... but two things.

1. Supersculp and greenstuff are way different. the Rubbing alcohol was something I learned when working with supersculpy. I wouldn't try it with greenstuff unless it was some crappy test model or something.
2. Reaper guys and girl at Gencon said water or spit will help you work with greenstuff.

I don't want to brag... :P , but anyways I never used anything besides greenstuff, I will also start using brownstuff when I start making the minis.

How much do you do with greenstuff?
roughneck GIR said:
How much do you do with greenstuff?

I started only recently and it was just to fill in major gaps. Then I started getting more creative and lately I've been adding additional spikes to my throny tanker, more scales on borrowers, etc. Still all very elementary but I've come a long way in a very short time!