Hawkwood Painting Guide by Genessis


Ok here is my guide to painting hawkwood set by set with pictures, I hope this helps you get your fleet looking really nice, I would also like to add that there are many way to paint hawkwood, but as I paint models as a business I do need to paint in a way that gives a good end result and is also as easy as possible and takes as less time as possible without looking crap :)

So let’s get started.

1st: make sure you have given you model a wash, what I mean by this is, a nice bowl of warm water and washing up liquid, and allowed to dry.

2nd: you will need to sand and cut of all those bits that stick out of the miniature that has been left over from the casting, as well as add green stuff (modelling putty) to any big gaps and or imperfections, allow the green stuff to dry and sand it to a nice smooth finish.


3rd: spray two to three coats of white on your miniature; remember 1 big thick coat is not better than 2 or 3 thin coats.


4th: paint the blue bites Ultramarine blue, might need a second coat.

5th: paint the weapons and engines chaos black plus any over black bits.


6th: dry brush your engines+ weapons bultgun metal, to dry brush get an old paint brush, then dip it in the paint followed by brushing off most of that paint on some paper or in my case on the desk, what you won’t is an almost dry brush hence the name.
At this point you just brush were you wont to dry brush.


7th: mix 1 part black wash and Brown wash to 4 parts water and add a little drop off varnish to stop the wash pooling, and simply slap it all over your ship, if you can, try using a clean dry bush and soak up any big pools of the wash from any big white flat areas.


8th: the white bits will look a bit black after the black wash, so just touch it up with skull white and a bit of water to just bring back the white a bit but not totally, you will only need to do this if your mixture in step 7 had too much ink, it does not matter which way you do this but you will find it gives you two slightly different effects.


9th: with skull white highlight the white bits.

10th: with enchanted blue and a bit of water highlight the ultramarine blue bits.

11th: with 1 part skull white and one part enchanted blue highlight very finely the highlights stated in step 10.


12th finishing touches, this is stuff like windows, logos and what I’ve missed lol.


So there is your guide to painting hawkwood I hope this has helped you, and here is the final product.




any questions just ask
Wow! Just Wow!

Not sure I have the time or indfeed the skill to try all the highlighting and washes, may have to make do with just a flattish grey base colour, but your posts have inspired me to make the best of the limited time I have before the tourney and my holiday.

Thanks for posting Genessis

Thank you very much! That is an excellent guide :) As someone who's never painted miniatures before, some of the terminologies and methodologies confuse me still. I'm not much of an artist, so could you please go into greater detail about what to highlight and how to highlight it? I realize there is a bit of a subjective nature to the process, but any effort in trying to codify the process would greatly help in my own pursuits. I mean I can tell from the pictures that you went around the front and top edges of some panels with the lighter colors. Is that the whole process or is there more to it?

Also, in your pictures you appear to use ink to wash with. The washing techniques I was seeing used just the color of paint and water to do the washing. Do you recommend ink instead? What kind of ink if so?

Thank you very much for any information you can provide :) I'm extremely excited to try my hand at this once I receive my minis, so I'm trying to absorb as much knowledge about the process as I can beforehand.
Thanks for all that you two it was an enjoyment to do, I will bring you a guide tomorrow about highlights and washing with inks.
Genessis said:
12th finishing touches, this is stuff like windows, logos and what I’ve missed lol.

A trick Ive found for engines is to paint the insides white, then add use very watered down (with no varnish as you'll need it to pool) pale blue (GWs Ice Blue worked well) wash to paint the inside of the engines.

Hold the mini vertically so the wash then pools in the bottom of the engine while it dries and you should get a nice white/blue gradient.

Other then that it looks really good, and simple to boot.
Nice I will give that one a try, sounds easyer then lots of highlighting which I did not wont to do as time is money :-)