toothill man
any chance of a minature game based on slaine as you already have published the mass combat rules in the core book?
toothill man said:thanks gospog have you a link too the site pleaseand welcome too the forums
gospog1 said:Um, yep, those are the links!
Dredd Times, Chronopia is a great game, thanks for helping to make it so!
And how could I forget about Celtos? Heck, look through your game store's bargain bins for old Leviathan barbarians for that matter!
hassanisabbah said:Ah the possibilities are endless....
Chariots, War witches with Shoggys, shied biting beserkers, bags of wasp missiles.... roman legions, elfric, cthythrons
oh god I want it bad....
msprange said:Well, a range of Slaine miniatures may not be out of the question. The trouble is, what do we do with them? What sort of game could we build them around?
Over to you chaps (remember, it has to interest more than just hard core Slaine fans!). . .