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It seems that the printing of the book was delayed for some time because of editing priotities of the french editor (UBIK), eventhough the book was ready.

Maybe a better communication between UBIK and Mongoose would have helped but I don't know for sure...

Anyway, except for a few rules lawyers, the differences between the Atlantean and 2 ed are minor, the game remains the same and all supplements can ve used with both edition.
Daubet Herve said:
It seems that the printing of the book was delayed for some time because of editing priotities of the french editor (UBIK), eventhough the book was ready.
I think there is a whole non sense about Conan RGP at the moment.

Anyway, except for a few rules lawyers, the differences between the Atlantean and 2 ed are minor, the game remains the same and all supplements can ve used with both edition
Yes, that is what we read everywhere.
But again, why was the Conan release program stopped during 7 months if there is so few changes. There is something I don't understand because from 6-9 books a years we now turned to 3-4 this year.
The King said:
Anyway, except for a few rules lawyers, the differences between the Atlantean and 2 ed are minor, the game remains the same and all supplements can ve used with both edition
Yes, that is what we read everywhere.
But again, why was the Conan release program stopped during 7 months if there is so few changes. There is something I don't understand because from 6-9 books a years we now turned to 3-4 this year.

Because it seems that the 2nd edition was announced with the goal to migrate the system to Runequest. (Seven month?) Later this plan was cancelled but the Pandora's box was open. As a consequence we're getting a second edition still using d20 that is more a revised version than a complete new version.

As Runequest has not been translated in French (well, Oriflam did it but... a long time ago), this explains that.