Sic semper tyrannis

middenface said:

Many thanks stolen...This is what I was looking for...
The Ilelish Revolt, Verge Combine and/or the Solomani would probably like the motto "Sic Semper Tyrannis" as it shows their opposition to the Imperium; and so will also the anarchic-minded Vargr.
rust said:
kafka said:
Sic semper tyrannis (death to tyrants).
Actually this means "Thus always to tyrants", so the motto would only ma-
ke sense with the picture of a sword destroying the Imperial Sunburst.

Really? :?

I always thought that it meant "Lizards are always wrong" since "sic" is always a word that I see in quotes where someone said or wrote something wrong, "semper" means "always" like in "semper fideles", and "tyrannis" is a form of dinosaur or "thunder lizard".

I guess foreign languages aren't my strong suite. Oh well, as they say "When in Rome, do as the Romanians".


middenface, I looked at your Broadsword and thought ... "what would one of those look like with a smiley face drawn on it?"

That'd send 'em running for SURE!