Should Amazon have Atlantean edition by now....

Depends if they sold all of the original print run that they had in stock or not.

You could always try e-mailing them and asking them, but I doubt that'll help.

None taken, I don't play or own the game.

Try e-mailing them, you never know they might be able to tell you. I mean it does say 'Atlantean Edition' in big honking letters at the bottom of the front cover.

Just a little warning, but one of our distributors stuck us with a non-Atlantean a couple of months back, quite a while after it was supposed to have been sold out.
Early in Feb I ordered it off the Amazon website and got the Atlantean edition. I pretty sure the ISBN on the Amazon site match up to the Atlantean edition, course I don't know the old version ISBN but I would think it would have been diffrent.
I think someone mentioned previously that the ISBNs are identical for the 2 editions, making it a bit tricky. I don't know if this is true or not though. Anyone with both (SoC) care to let us know?

Thanks Foxworthy, I guess that is what I was hoping to hear.... OK I guess I might be back on track for this. If someone else has ordered from (US) lately and got the AE version please let me know.
lastbesthope said:
I think someone mentioned previously that the ISBNs are identical for the 2 editions, making it a bit tricky. I don't know if this is true or not though. Anyone with both (SoC) care to let us know?


I've got both and the numbers are both the same.
OK just placed my order, main rulebook, Scrolls of Skelos, The Free Companies, Road of Kings. That should start me off OK, now here's hoping I get the AE...if not I can still do that deal with the cut off the corner of that page, right????
kiln publications said:
I am going to order the book tommorow and wanted to make sure they would have the Atlantean edition by now.....
I was just aking myself the same question.
I will wait for a long time I think as I saw the 1st edition in a rpg store. Hey they didn't even have the Atlantean edition.
Not that it matters much, the 1st is highly playable, though I would have appreciated an online errata rather than the details of what has been changed.
Just got my package and it had the AE version it it. The interior has to be one of the nicest I have seen from Mongoose. Well done! Great, now I will be addicted just like the rest of the lot.