Ship's Locker: Out of the Closet

Why Elon Musk's plans to colonise Mars are bound to fail

Zach & Kelly Weinersmith are the authors of 'A City on Mars,' and explain why Elon Musk's plans to colonise Mars are unlikely to come to fruition.

1. Marsward, ho?

2. Planting flags.

3. Not corn.

4. Radiation exposure.

5. Six months one way.

6. Canned beans.

7. Soft landing, apparently you need an atmospheric braking.

8. Stone grinder's disease.

9. Protein - mealworms.

A. Self sufficiency.

B. Ground transport network.

C. It takes a village.

D. Or, planetary industrial base.

E. Less diplomatic restraint.

F. Docking adaptability.

G. Osteoporosis.

H. Fetus vulnerability.

I. Encourage Musk to be the first pioneer, for the lulz!

J. Water, water, no where.