Ship's Locker: Out of the Closet

Snubbed: Salty

V. Recoil compensation can come in handy, though you have to wonder if the cost is worth it.

W. So it's upto two points, with ten percent cost and five percent weight increases per.

X. Reduction of one and three points of damage, per.

Y. It seems to me there are other forms of recoil reduction.

Z. Like adapted stocks, hand grips and/or slings,
Snubbed: Salty

1. Rugged is a question of, as with many traits, of cost benefit.

2. It increases cost by thirty percent and weight by ten percent.

3. However, makes it harder to malfunction by two.

4. Pretty resistant to unfriendly environmental conditions, mildly corrosive.

5. Temperature, but I'd guess not enough variance to overtake vacuumized.

6. Conventional stuff, such as dirt in various forms.

7. Described as surviving being driven over by a truck.

8. Probably not worth it if the unruggedized cost is cheap, and the weapon is easily available.

9. Ironically, if it's expensive, and difficult to get a replacement, might be worth it.
Snubbed: Salty

A. Is for armoured, which separates the external robustness in ruggedness, but I don't think it explains how that toughness effects breakage.

B. Is for bulwarked, which deals with internal structural integrity, and has a bonus towards the malfunction table.

C. Difference being able to precisely regulate these aspects, separately.

D. Is for disguised, spyware, considering the cost.

E. Stealth, similar concept, different approach.

F. Vacuumized being the most practical capability in a space setting.
Snubbed: Salty

G. Cartridge cases are normally made from metal or plastic, and almost always ejected from the weapon as part of the loading-firing cycle. Caseless ammunition is available for weapons designed to use it. It has the advantage that the cartridge is entirely formed of propellant so can be lighter and does not need to be ejected from the weapon. This means less moving parts which is usually a good thing, but caseless ammunition is expensive to produce. It typically costs three times as much as conventional ammunition, and can only be used in weapons designed for it – which are also more expensive to produce.

H. Might be disinclined to have hot casings floating down your neck.

I. But for snub ammunition, that's still six starbux per round.

J. And the firearm has to be specific for either cased or caseless ammunition.

K. On the other hand. probably less prone to dirt accumulation, and the insides should be more protected from environmental conditions.
Snubbed: Salty

L. Colvery’s Stowaway is marketed as a concealable emergency weapon for self-defence, but in truth it is better suited to assassination. Built from exotic and expensive materials, the weapon uses caseless ‘stealth’ ammunition and does not need to eject cartridges.

M. Light handgun ammunition, default sixty starbux per hundred.

N. Design sheet ammunition cost, hundred starbux per hundred.

O. Listed ammunition cost, magazine size six for one hundred thirty five starbux, twenty two and a half starbux per round.

P. Divided by three for caseless, seven and a half starbux, divided by twenty for extreme stealth, three eighths of a starbux per round.
Snubbed: Salty

Q. At TL9 and higher, weapon designers can use advanced technology to improve a weapon’s overall performance without affecting weight or bulk – effectively wringing more out of the same weight and volume of weapon. Advanced Projectile Weapons cost 25% more than conventional projectile weapons but weigh 10% less. They have a Physical Signature one level lower, and range is 25% further.

R. I noted that the cost, or weight, of ammunition, isn't mentioned.

S. Implying that you could use default ammunition, and achieving that performance is due solely to improving the weapon platform.

T. An almost obvious feature to integrate at technological level nine manufacture, as the cost is borne solely by the weapon platform.

U. I'll have to check if this works gauss rifles and other high technologized weapon systems.
Weapon: Snub Assault Weapon
Type: Assault Weapon

Component ————— Cost - Weight - Other Factors
Receiver Type: Assault Weapon - Cr300 - 2.0kg - Quickdraw 2
Ammunition Type: Low Recoil Special Purpose — Base Damage: 3D-3
Ammunition Cost: Cr200 per 100 rounds
Base Range: 40m
Base Ammunition Capacity: 20 rounds
Base Capacity Variation -20%
Signature: Physical (normal)
Inaccurate -2
Penetration -1

Mechanism: Fully Automatic — none — none — Automatic 3
Receiver Totals ———— Cr300.00 - 2.0kg
Barrel: Assault ———— Cr60.00 - 0.6kg - Range -50%, Quickdraw +2
Stock: Stockless ——— Cr0 - 0.0kg — Quickdraw +2, Inaccurate (25m) -2
Totals ——————— Cr360.00 - 2.6kg

Weapon: Snub Assault Weapon
Type: Assault Weapon

Component ————— Cost - Weight - Other Factors
Receiver Type: Assault Weapon - Cr300 - 2.0kg - Quickdraw 2
Ammunition Type: Low Recoil Special Purpose — Base Damage: 3D-3
Ammunition Cost: Cr200 per 100 rounds
Base Range: 40m
Base Ammunition Capacity: 20 rounds
Base Capacity Variation -20%
Signature: Physical (normal)
Inaccurate -2
Penetration -1

Mechanism: Fully Automatic — none — none — Automatic 3
Receiver Feature: Bullpup — +25% — none — Quickdraw +2
Receiver Feature: Quickdraw — +20% — none — Quickdraw +2, Accuracy +1 (>25m), Inaccurate -1 (<25m)
Receiver Feature: Vacuumized — +20% — none —
Receiver Feature: High Capacity +20% — +20% — 10% — Ammunition Capacity +20%
Modified Ammunition Capacity: +50% — +50% — 25% — Ammunition Capacity +50%
Receiver Totals ———— Cr972.00 - 2.75kg
Barrel: Assault ———— Cr60.00 - 0.6kg - Range -50%, Quickdraw +2
Stock: Stockless ——— Cr0 - 0.0kg — Quickdraw +2, Inaccurate -2 (<25m)
Totals ——————— Cr1'032.00 - 3.35kg
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I came across so many examples of twenty percented high capacity, that I reread the feature.

It seems that twenty percent increase is an absolute figure.
Snubbed: Salty

V. I think that since this variant would be a dead end design, might as well make it about as optimal as possible.

W. Make it exclusively caseless, which sort of ensure it would remain mainly an exclusive Confederation Navy and Marine issue weapon, especially at six starbux per ball round.

X. The Confederation Army is likely to leave microgravity and vacuumized situations to the Confederation Navy, but if they do want the premium versions, they probably order them from the Confederation Navy.

Y. Very likely, Solomani Security as well.

Z. The caseless ammunition would be in preloaded magazines straight from the factory, which would only fit the assault weapon snub.
Weapon: Snub Assault Weapon
Type: Assault Weapon

Component ————— Cost - Weight - Other Factors
Receiver Type: Assault Weapon - Cr300 - 2.0kg - Quickdraw 2
Ammunition Type: Low Recoil Special Purpose — Base Damage: 3D-3
Ammunition Cost: Cr600 per 100 caseless rounds
Base Range: 40m
Base Ammunition Capacity: 20 rounds
Base Capacity Variation -20%
Signature: Physical (normal)
Inaccurate -2
Penetration -1

Mechanism: Fully Automatic — none — none — Automatic 3
Advanced Projectile Weapon — +25% — -10% — Range +25%, Physical Signature -1
Receiver Feature: Bullpup — +25% — none — Quickdraw +2
Receiver Feature: Quickdraw — +20% — none — Quickdraw +2, Accuracy +1 (>25m), Inaccurate -1 (<25m)
Receiver Feature: Rugged — +30% — +10% —
Receiver Feature: Vacuumized — +20% — none —
Receiver Feature: High Capacity +20% — +20% — 10% — Ammunition Capacity +20%
Modified Ammunition Capacity: +50% — +50% — 25% — Ammunition Capacity +50%
Receiver Totals ———— Cr972.00 - 2.7225kg
Barrel: Assault ———— Cr263.25 - 0.81675kg - Range -50%, Quickdraw +2
Stock: Stockless ——— Cr0 - 0.0kg — Quickdraw +2, Inaccurate -2 (<25m)
Totals ——————— Cr1'579.50 - 3.53925kg
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The Confederation Navy does not expect its officers to get involved in gunfights. Sidearms are a badge of rank and perhaps the last chance at self-defence in a desperate situation. The standard-issue officer’s handgun is a beautifully decorated 8mm revolver holding six rounds. Its slim lines emphasise its long barrel and overall elegance. These guns are not very effective in combat but are manufactured to extremely high standards and are very ‘pointable’. Typically made for a specific officer, a navy revolver gives DM+1 on aimed fire but only when used by the person it was made for.

Navy revolvers are grossly overpriced but well-off officers often choose to have an even better one handmade. Prices in the tens of thousands of
Credits are commonplace. These weapons are worn for show and may not even be loaded under safe conditions. An officer expecting to be in a fight would normally arm himself with a ‘proper’ gun from the armoury, or – better – a squad of naval infantry.

Weapon ————— TL — Range — Damage — Kg — Cost —Magazine — Magazine Cost — Traits
Officer’s Revolver —— 12 —— 25 —— 3D-2 —— 1.2 — Cr1600 ——6 ———— Cr10
Confederation Navy: Officer's Revolver

1. A semi/automatic pistol seems more pragmatic.

2. Coincidentally, listed cost is about the same as the Snub Assault Weapon.

3. I think that considering their normal operating environment, the hand gun should either have rocket propelled or low recoil ammunition.

4. At that price, is the Confederation Navy completely paying for the revolver, or does the officer have to buy it for himself, or get a subsidy?

5. It's not a gauss weapon system, despite the technological level of twelve.

6. Damage is between medium to heavy handgun, so likely medium handgun with technological level boost.

7. Default effective range is fifty metres, advanced projectile weapon sixty two and a half metres.

8. Handgun barrel twelve and a half metres effective range, assault barrel thirty one and a quarter metres.

9. My guess is that as long as the handgun looks spiccy and spammy, there's probably more latitude as to it's general appearance, and performance.
Confederation Navy: Officer's Revolver

A. So who could afford these revolvers, and it's indicated that these are just the entry models.

B. I'd say anyone of flag rank would need one, somewhat equivalent to a marshal's baton.

C. Personally, I think it's silly, way beyond just a quirk of the Service.

D. Though, probably more useful than a ceremonial sword.

E. Entry level would be for those who got promoted to the rank of Captain, who should be able to afford paying for one.

F. The incentive would be to mark out those who'll be competing for those rare promotion to flag rank.
Snubbed: Salty

1. So you have a somewhat unique model, made exclusively for the Confederation Navy and Confederation Marines.

2. You'd have them available in armories exclusive to Confederation Marines, and a limited number available to crews of Confederation starwarships of capital class(es) tonnage.

3. The Confederation Army and Solomani Security could order consignments of Snub Assault Weapons from the Confederation Navy suppliers.

4. The default are semi automatic pistols (handgun receivers), that can be modified for specific situations and/or environments, used by any Confederation military and paramilitary service.

5. The Confederation Navy Model Snub Assault Weapon is manufactured only for caseless ammunition.

6. The default for handgun variants are normal cased ammunition, though some may be caseless.

7. Standard issue to Confederation Navy starwarships, bases, and personnel.

8. Snub revolvers, both for the civilian and military, tend to be cased ammunition.

9. Since I'm not quite sure you'd want to be fiddling around with naked propellant.
Confederation Navy: Officer's Revolver

G. You probably could assume that junior officers would likely need a ceremonial revolver.

H. I doubt that they want to expend sixteen hundred starbux on each example.

I. Also, it's possible that they don't have one with them, or it's lost.

J. The default (medium handgun) revolver is ten times cheaper, but only has an effective range of ten metres.

K. Even a gauss pistol only has an effective range of twenty metres, compared to the one mentioned above, twenty five metres.
Confederation Navy: Officer's Revolver

L. In fact, now that I think about it, unless you use rifle ammunition, you can't have a handgun with an effective range of twenty five metres.

M. Even heavy handgun is sixty metres with a rifle barrel, and twelve metres with a handgun barrel, fifteen metres with advanced projectile weapon.

N. Eight millimetres would place the ammunition at light handgun.

O. The long barrel keeps on getting emphasized, but it's hard to imagine it would be assault length, which would only half effective range.

P. Twelve hundred grammes is pretty hefty, as well, compared to default revolver of five hundred grammes.
Weapon: Snub Automatic Pistol
Type: Handgun

Component ————— Cost - Weight - Other Factors
Receiver Type: Handgun - Cr175 - 0.8kg - Quickdraw 4
Ammunition Type: Low Recoil Special Purpose — Base Damage: 3D-3
Ammunition Cost: Cr200 per 100 rounds
Base Range: 40m
Base Ammunition Capacity: 10 rounds
Base Capacity Variation -20%
Signature: Physical (normal)
Inaccurate -2
Penetration -1

Mechanism: Fully Automatic — +20% — none — Automatic 3
Advanced Projectile Weapon — +25% — -10% — Range +25%, Physical Signature -1
Receiver Feature: Bullpup — +25% — none — Quickdraw +2
Receiver Feature: Quickdraw — +20% — none — Quickdraw +2, Accuracy +1 (>25m), Inaccurate -1 (<25m)
Receiver Feature: Rugged — +30% — +10% —
Receiver Feature: Vacuumized — +20% — none —
Receiver Feature: High Capacity +20% — +20% — +10% — Ammunition Capacity +20%
Modified Ammunition Capacity: +50% — +50% — +25% — Ammunition Capacity +50%
Receiver Totals ———— Cr1'105.65 - 1.054152kg
Barrel: Assault ———— Cr221.13 - 0.3162456kg - Range -50%, Quickdraw +2
Stock: Stockless ——— Cr0 - 0.0kg — Quickdraw +2, Inaccurate -2 (<25m)
Totals ——————— Cr1'326.78 - 1.3703976kg
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Snubbed: Salty

A. The equivalent snub pistol variant is about a fifth cheaper, and about two fifths lighter.

B. Deficits are four against six recoil, half ammunition capacity, and I think half overheating threshold, though I'm still trying to figure out how exactly that works.

C. If we add a heavy barrel, that would double that cost and weight, but double the heat threshold, minus one Quickdraw.

D. Full automatic wouldn't affect accuracy for the assault weapon, but would have a factor two affect for the pistol, burst factor one.

E. Besides accuracy deficit, one would assume that recoil in microgravity pushes the shooter backwards.

F. Recoil compensation factor one would not only remove one factor, besides extra cost and weight, but drop damage to three dice minus four, which would drop felt recoil to modified two, and thereby no felt recoil at full automatic, two plus three minus one equals four.
Snubbed: Ammunition Capacity

1. Twenty percent deficit right of the bat, so repeater handgun four, semi automatic handgun eight, and assault weapon sixteen.

2. High capacity, repeater handgun four point eight, semi automatic handgun nine point six, and assault weapon nineteen point two.

3. Modified fifty percent, repeater handgun six, semi automatic handgun twelve, assault weapon twenty four.

4. High capacity and modified, repeater handgun seven point two, semi automatic handgun fourteen point four, assault weapon twenty eight point eight.

5. Extended magazine doubles cost and Quickdraw minus two, semi automatic handgun twenty one point six, assault weapon forty three point two.

6. Funny, doesn't seem to affect weight.

7. Drum magazine imposes inaccurate and hazardous traits, factor one(s), minus six to Quickdraw, so no.

8. You could reduce capacity, every ten percent reduction reduces weight and cost by one twentieth.

9. Probably not worth it.