I hope a little revamp of the armor and weapon system, seriously, right now if we see the same weapons in d&D and conan in this game they have upped damage one dice at least, so its a more deadly game, ok, hyboria was supposed to be hard

, but that deadly stuff makes armor so important in the survival that none wants to have a light armored warrior in my game.
Also two handed weapons are totally unbalanced, making a one handed weapon not really interesting for the player (they are powergamers, why use one handed when two handed is definitive?)
I picture conan sometimes as a light armored barbarian, mostly naked or with a mail shirt and a full plate in very rare battles kicking soldiers ass and monsters and stuff, but that doesnt work for me with this system, u cant be a half naked barbarian and kick some armored soldiers asses because reality is that u´ll be dead in the first hit u get.