VincentDarlage said:
Yogah of Yag said:
If it only eats other cannibal horses, it would seem much less threatening!
It is ambiguous, isn't it?!
I assumed that what was meant properly was carniverous.
I don't think it is that ambiguous. Usually authors are fairly precise in their word choice, so if someone wrote about a cannibal horse, I would presume that horse eats its own kind.
Of course, it would help if I could figure out where the original reference came from. Possibly from a
Savage Sword of Conan, but I haven't had a chance to look through my collection.
Me auther too, and me much good with words! :shock: :lol:
I know what you mean, however...
Given the broad quality spectrum of wordsmithing in the English language I have seen many exceptions to your generalization. Keep in mind that our dearest REH didn't know the word
warlock and instead used the bizarre, mind-melting phrase
witch-men. As the old expression went, "Even good Homer sleeps."
* * * * *
Above, someone mentioned a DIRE TEMPLATE. I searched the SRD but couldn't find such a thing. Is this included in the Conan RPG lit? My Master Index doesn't have it, either.