Running a play-by-post game

Hi. Are you still looking? Would like to give it a go - been into LW since mid 80's. Got some questions though.

So... Which characters/classes are still represented?
Is it done purely by post now - not Skype/Maptools?
Got a bit confused about Random Numbers - do we roll and tell you or is there another way?
Would I be joining part way through - in which case could I have a brief synopsis of what's been going on (or of course I could deliberately not read it if my character wouldn't know :wink: ).
Lastly what sort of commitment level is it - do we post several times a day or at least a few times a week?

Okay I've read all the story now.

Would it be possible to become Galdron's character as a PC? It seems like the ideal oportunity to join the story through him. I can create a Vakeros character based on him if you like - the party could do with some sort of spellcaster having two Knights and a Kai Lord.
Bumping this - we have lost a couple of players and could do with more.

No experience/rulebooks necessary just a willingness to post (can be short) a few times a week - more if you want. Twiler will help with everything, us too. It is great fun - we have fought a Dark Agent and Spy in Soren, discovered a dark crystal mind-stealing shard and most recently fought a battle with a nest of burrowcrawlers on the way to Helgor.

If you want to help, or just read, find out more here:

Regards Richard (Snow Shadow)
I sort of follow the game, but am busy right now in a few. Any time you guys have mentioned a need for new players I've posted reminders around the RPoL games, but sadly many people seem busy too, and basically just able to manage the games they are playing / running :(