Well Paul, in regards to the Hero abilities... you can make it that way real easy. That is a GM thing.
As for the issue of...
Ok, admitedly broo.. whose reproductive and bullying habits don't put them in the best light, he is still a person with fellings and needs
Who cares? They are Broos! :wink:
Seriously, though, that again is up to the GM to role play. I wrote a short story some years ago based on an RQ game I GMed. When the players of the game read it they were all bummed out because I gave the dieing thoughts of the Lunar messenger they ambushed. He had a life before the ambush... they NEVER got any of it in the game, but I had it in mind when I played the ambush out. It was his motivation for what he was doing, and made the scene real for me, thus real for them.
As it stands I'm toying with the following as house rules:
1. Having communities hoard runes (Cults and Families/tribes/guilds), who deal out the runes as benefits for services or as needed.
2. Runes once integrated are permently integrated, at the players death they go off with him to the afterlife.
3. Characters need a foci to help them visualise the rune and use its power once integrated. This is a personally crafted item or tattooed image which can be replaced if lost (bad if its a tattoo), but is of no use to any one else.
This is basically the RQ II/RQ III way of Spirit Magic. One of the great things about this system is the “Rune Encrusted” swords and armor that everyone wears. One of my first characters had a Broadsword with the phrase, in Sartarite, “Darkness shall not prevail before the Sharp Light of Health!” I used it as a means of placing Lightwall, Bladesharp, Shimmer, and Healing on the sword so in combat all I had to do was look at the blade and my foci were right there. This, to me, is a powerful image reminiscent of many movies of High Fantasy (Kull, Conan, Deathbringer, etc...). Shame to waste such powerful shared imagery! LOL
Most of the "complaints" or issues (depending on who reads this) are really an issue of the GM presenting the world or tweaking the information to fit his view of the game. You keep saying things that sound like you want Mongoose to modify or codify some system for your needs. What about the others out there that love this system? They just Broos? :wink:
Most of the "complaints" or issues (depending on who reads this) are really an issue of the GM presenting the world or tweaking the information to fit his view of the game. You keep saying things that sound like you want Mongoose to modify or codify some system for your needs. What about the others out there that love this system? They just Broos?
I think you aught to relax a little and play loose with the rules. Have you run a game with these rules to see if they work? Good rules modifying follows a sound testing path: play, check, modify, check, repeat. When you and your players are happy, you’re done. If all you do is mod the rules alone in the dark... well, that is a bit on the perverse side...

One of the best rules, and it has been thrown out a lot on the board (even in this thread) is Keep It Stupid Simple. Or, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." If you do choose to fix it, start with what is broke most and get that working... test it... and see what else needs to be fixed. But be careful, players don't really care if the rules are broke, they want to have fun, and constant change is not fun for them so be sure you tell them why you think it is broken and find out what thay want to do about it. E-mail is a blessing with this! (opps... my slip is showing!

Yep, I modifiy every game I get... in search of the Holy Game!)