RPG Players

Dragon Reborn

First of all - sorry to advertise our online RPG (if its not allowed to be done here, then shame on me and it wont happen again)

Anyway at http://www.rpol.net Morgoth (GM) is looking for at least 1 more player for his game "An Era of Hope (Lonewolf d20)" He's looking for a Kai Lord, maybe even a Shadaki Bucaneer, Brotherhood mage and/or Dessi mage. I'm playing a Vakeros in the game, which has only recently just started and is looking very good.

Still looking for another player.


(here is a direct link to the game)

Morgoth said:
Still looking for another player.


(here is a direct link to the game)


I PM'd my request to join in.

*hopeful grin*

-Bright Rune
I'm obviously too late to join, but can you post the vakeros class?
SilentViper said:
I'm obviously too late to join, but can you post the vakeros class?

You're not too late to join - the GM is looking for any magic user. Fine I play the main character in the game who is Vakeros, but maybe the GM will allow another- you wont know until you ask him. Recently we've had a 2nd Kai and a Shadaki Buccaneer join us.

re the Vakeros class I'd be happy to post the details - if possible I'll post them below this post, otherwise you might have to pm me your email.

Hello, I am looking for either a magician of Dessi, or a brother of the crystal star. ((or sister of course :) ))

The party so far consists of:

-Vakeros battlemage ((homebrew, but will switch to official once magik of mag comes out))
-Kai Lady
-Stornlands Mercenary ((homebrew))

I am just about to add another Kai lord into the mix. Thus, it would also
be a good time to take in another victi....errr, I mean player!
((If you want to play, but spellcaster's are just not your thing, I will allow a shakdaki buccaneer, or gunner of bor))

Please read over some of the game posts to see if the longwinded posts are your cup of tea. Thank you! :)

You want another player? I'm your man. Brotherhood of the Crystal Star, Dwarven Gunner of Bor, or Kai Lord are my preffered classes. Whatever works. Email me at stormcrow27@sbcglobal.net if you want to know more.
Stormcrow, please come to the link I provided, read over the game, and then send me an rtj. ((request to join)) :)
I hope you have checked the game out Stormcrow - I play Rithao and have to tell you the game is awesome. :P

Morgoth is a FANTASTIC GM - he's got us all paranoid over a good cloak and dagger mystery where a mysterious assassin has shown up in possibly 2 identities, disappears into thin air and smells badly of brimstone and sulphur.

We could really do with the Sense Evil skill of a BOCS.
OK everyone - our game at rpol.net is a must see - its geting very exciting, what with companions being enchanted and fighting each other. If you haven't yet then check it out and naturally send the GM a request to join.

As a side note, for those that do check it out, please let me know what that creature was that enchanted me - the smelling of brimstone and sulphur is throwing me right of course.
We now have a Sommerlund Knight as a player. I will be willing to allow one more; although it would be one more than I had planned for the game ((I had planned 5 players max)) , I would like it if we can have either a brother, or a magi of dessi ((though it is hardly necessary, if you wish you can play a buccaneer, a gunner of bor, etc .)). Just be sure to read over some of the posts before applying though, to see if the game is for you. :)


Oh and thanks for the kind words vashna! :)