While large walkers and large robotic vehicles (and even autonomous ships) have always had a role in the Traveller universe, including adventure hooks and splatbook content, and the 3rd Imperium setting is of course not the only universe where Traveller campaigns are set, giant robots are not really a major part of the 3rd Imperium universe. So it makes a lot of sense that a Robots book is based around robots that fit in very well with the Traveller 3rd Imperium setting in terms of size & capabilities. Anyone wishing to create a larger robot can use the existing design systems for vehicles or starships. Heck, that's exactly what I did when I realized that the MegaTraveller vehicle design rules included rules for vehicles with arms and legs--which had been adapted almost exactly from LBB 8, Robots. I even wrote an article about mecha in Traveller, for a short-lived fanzine, Northcoast Roleplaying, circa 1990--a copy is attached. My conclusion at the time was that increased interest in mecha in popular culture, SF, and gaming had spread to Traveller (and sort of implied that GDW was setting the stage for a MegaTraveller game universe closer to BattleTech's Star League/Successor States setting), but in game terms it wasn't likely to take over the system--but in a few edge cases (rough terrain, TL 9-11, where grav vehicles for various reasons aren't practical) they were an interesting alternative, and I included a couple of designs and suggestions for their use in play (and what forces in the Domain of Deneb might use them). So I don't want sound like I'd discourage someone from including big robots in their Traveller games: if you want to add Gundams or Tetsujin to your Traveller game, there's easy-to-find rules for you to use--maybe Yaskoydray starts launching interstellar kaiju into Charted Space, and only giant robots can save the day!