Hello Folks,
Recently, I started watching MADAME SECRETARY (ok, Binge Watching actually) and I got to wondering "how can I adapt this for use with my Lunion subsector campaign. Substituting The POTUS with the Duke of Lunion, I'd have to of course, invent the role of Secretary of State for use with the Imperium.
So, idly speculating, I posted my thoughts to the Facebook forums for Traveller and came across this interesting nugget...
First - go to https://travellermap.com/?p=-101.001!51.99!6.15&options=58359
There, you will see the map for the Spinward Marches centered on the Sword Worlds. Why is this important? I'd like to direct your attention to the fact that the Sword Worlds borders the Third Imperium with three subsectors which are Vilis, Lanth, and Lunion. Rather than bore you all with my analysis, I'm just going to bring up two sets of numbers as contrasted against the BEST two worlds of the Sword Worlds. Between Sacnoth and Gram, we have two of the highest tech worlds in the Sword World region, each at TL 12, with a sum total of about 14 Billion population. Now, let's look at the Darian Confederation with its single world at TL 16 (four tech level difference over and above the Sword Worlds) with a 2 Billion population. I'm not even going to mention the Star Trigger as being anything worthy of consideration largely because that is a joker in the deck so to speak. But, for now, let's just talk about tech levels, populations, distances and such.
Now, let's actively look at the Imperials - with just the Lunion subsector alone. It contains worlds with A class starports with a total of 17 Billion people at TL 13. Granted - only a 1 tech level difference, when combined with a numerical difference of some nearly 3 billion more people than the Sword Worlders - that is not an insignificant issue. That's just LUNION, not including Lanth or VIlis.
Now comes the final thought I'd like to toss out here. Somehow, the Zhodani manage to convince the Sword Worlds to throw in for their surprise offensive against the Imperials. Even if the first phase of the Fifth Frontier War goes off without a hitch and the Zhodani take the Jewell Subsector quickly, the Zhodani are some 20 parsecs away from the nearest Sword World border. Not exactly within easy support distance of each other's military.
And finally, looking at the FFW ship counters, many of the ships are Jump-3 or Jump-4 in capabilities for the Imperial CruRons or BatRons. Any Imperial fleet that is based on a "Shield World" (those Lunion worlds directly adjacent to the Sword World borders) - can arrive at either of Gram or Sacnoth within two (that's 2) Jump transits.
So I have to ask - would you as a leader of a confederation of Sword Worlds, who in theory, can't easily work together during times of peace, are seriously going to strip half of their battle fleet from their worlds, and leave their main worlds vulnerable to reprisals once the FFW begins? With four sub-sector's worth of serious enemies, all within easy jump distance of their domains - can any one explain why the Sword World would even TRY to join the Zhodani fleet in a surprise offensive? One Subsector against FOUR. The Third Imperium wouldn't need BatRons to go up against the Sword worlds - they could get by easily with CruRons and DesRons engaging in a campaign of Commerce Raiding with superior numbers of high tech smaller ships. If the BatRons (there were six in the counter mix for FFW the boardgame) - then chances are there would be an equal number of BatRons, if not more, with the Sacnoth home fleet kept in reserve. None the less - once the Imperial response fleets get into play, the Sword Worlds will have slit their own throats. They initiated a ware, and eventually, the superior industrial might of the Spinward Marches triple sub-sectors will begin to wear against the sword worlds in a simple war of Attrition that they can't win. Toss in an industrial base that will be starved for materials once the commerce raiders in the form of Destroyers and escort destroyers begin to arrive - the Sword Worlders will have to have a VERY Strong system defense boat system and home fleet to fend off the Imperial forces
Why did the Sword Worlders join the Surprise Offensive under these circumstances? Because the "narrative" said so? Sorry. No. Take a GOOD hard look at the situation as outlined above, do your own analysis on the numbers based on the UWP of the worlds in question. Than ask yourself, if the Sword Worlds do NOT have a single unified government, who organized them to engage in what would be a unified war effort? Did for instance, Gram agree to help the Zhodani of its own and told the government at Sacnoth "We've committed, now you're committed"? DId some Sword World Admiral tell his subordinates "I believe we've awoken the Sleeping Dragon" as he saw the writing on the wall before the FFW was even a single hour old?
How did someone sell the Sword Worlders on an alliance that had to track through 20 parsecs of space before the fleets could combine?
Again, I'm not looking for a narrative that in effect says "Let there be light - and there was light". I'm looking at human nature, and the calculus of war that everyone in charge of their own military/industrial complex would have had to make prior to the opening act of the FFW. I'm looking for those wargamers who are going to look at this from the vantage point of "I"m the leader of the Sword Worlds - how did I agree to join the FFW in the first place? What steps would I Have taken to insure victory?"
Thoughts? Comments?
Recently, I started watching MADAME SECRETARY (ok, Binge Watching actually) and I got to wondering "how can I adapt this for use with my Lunion subsector campaign. Substituting The POTUS with the Duke of Lunion, I'd have to of course, invent the role of Secretary of State for use with the Imperium.
So, idly speculating, I posted my thoughts to the Facebook forums for Traveller and came across this interesting nugget...
First - go to https://travellermap.com/?p=-101.001!51.99!6.15&options=58359
There, you will see the map for the Spinward Marches centered on the Sword Worlds. Why is this important? I'd like to direct your attention to the fact that the Sword Worlds borders the Third Imperium with three subsectors which are Vilis, Lanth, and Lunion. Rather than bore you all with my analysis, I'm just going to bring up two sets of numbers as contrasted against the BEST two worlds of the Sword Worlds. Between Sacnoth and Gram, we have two of the highest tech worlds in the Sword World region, each at TL 12, with a sum total of about 14 Billion population. Now, let's look at the Darian Confederation with its single world at TL 16 (four tech level difference over and above the Sword Worlds) with a 2 Billion population. I'm not even going to mention the Star Trigger as being anything worthy of consideration largely because that is a joker in the deck so to speak. But, for now, let's just talk about tech levels, populations, distances and such.
Now, let's actively look at the Imperials - with just the Lunion subsector alone. It contains worlds with A class starports with a total of 17 Billion people at TL 13. Granted - only a 1 tech level difference, when combined with a numerical difference of some nearly 3 billion more people than the Sword Worlders - that is not an insignificant issue. That's just LUNION, not including Lanth or VIlis.
Now comes the final thought I'd like to toss out here. Somehow, the Zhodani manage to convince the Sword Worlds to throw in for their surprise offensive against the Imperials. Even if the first phase of the Fifth Frontier War goes off without a hitch and the Zhodani take the Jewell Subsector quickly, the Zhodani are some 20 parsecs away from the nearest Sword World border. Not exactly within easy support distance of each other's military.
And finally, looking at the FFW ship counters, many of the ships are Jump-3 or Jump-4 in capabilities for the Imperial CruRons or BatRons. Any Imperial fleet that is based on a "Shield World" (those Lunion worlds directly adjacent to the Sword World borders) - can arrive at either of Gram or Sacnoth within two (that's 2) Jump transits.
So I have to ask - would you as a leader of a confederation of Sword Worlds, who in theory, can't easily work together during times of peace, are seriously going to strip half of their battle fleet from their worlds, and leave their main worlds vulnerable to reprisals once the FFW begins? With four sub-sector's worth of serious enemies, all within easy jump distance of their domains - can any one explain why the Sword World would even TRY to join the Zhodani fleet in a surprise offensive? One Subsector against FOUR. The Third Imperium wouldn't need BatRons to go up against the Sword worlds - they could get by easily with CruRons and DesRons engaging in a campaign of Commerce Raiding with superior numbers of high tech smaller ships. If the BatRons (there were six in the counter mix for FFW the boardgame) - then chances are there would be an equal number of BatRons, if not more, with the Sacnoth home fleet kept in reserve. None the less - once the Imperial response fleets get into play, the Sword Worlds will have slit their own throats. They initiated a ware, and eventually, the superior industrial might of the Spinward Marches triple sub-sectors will begin to wear against the sword worlds in a simple war of Attrition that they can't win. Toss in an industrial base that will be starved for materials once the commerce raiders in the form of Destroyers and escort destroyers begin to arrive - the Sword Worlders will have to have a VERY Strong system defense boat system and home fleet to fend off the Imperial forces
Why did the Sword Worlders join the Surprise Offensive under these circumstances? Because the "narrative" said so? Sorry. No. Take a GOOD hard look at the situation as outlined above, do your own analysis on the numbers based on the UWP of the worlds in question. Than ask yourself, if the Sword Worlds do NOT have a single unified government, who organized them to engage in what would be a unified war effort? Did for instance, Gram agree to help the Zhodani of its own and told the government at Sacnoth "We've committed, now you're committed"? DId some Sword World Admiral tell his subordinates "I believe we've awoken the Sleeping Dragon" as he saw the writing on the wall before the FFW was even a single hour old?
How did someone sell the Sword Worlders on an alliance that had to track through 20 parsecs of space before the fleets could combine?
Again, I'm not looking for a narrative that in effect says "Let there be light - and there was light". I'm looking at human nature, and the calculus of war that everyone in charge of their own military/industrial complex would have had to make prior to the opening act of the FFW. I'm looking for those wargamers who are going to look at this from the vantage point of "I"m the leader of the Sword Worlds - how did I agree to join the FFW in the first place? What steps would I Have taken to insure victory?"
Thoughts? Comments?