Review - Across Thunder River

bobrunnicles said:
I'll have to agree on the typo issue - the second thing that most people will look at who pick up the book, the back cover (the first thing of course being the front cover), has a typo in the text! I mean it's a blatant typo, just running the text through a standard spellchecker would have picked it up.

Maybe I'm just blind, but where's the typo on the back cover?
Johannixx said:
bobrunnicles said:
I'll have to agree on the typo issue - the second thing that most people will look at who pick up the book, the back cover (the first thing of course being the front cover), has a typo in the text! I mean it's a blatant typo, just running the text through a standard spellchecker would have picked it up.

Maybe I'm just blind, but where's the typo on the back cover?

OMG - I'm lying! Apologies! The error is actually on the back cover of The Magic Of Magnamund which I picked up the same day (I knew it was ONE of the two Mongoose books I picked up that day). Anyway, if you have that too it's on the third paragraph down, second to last line:

"....chapter expands on the srcibing of scrolls......"

Not a biggie and as a Mongoose fan I could care less but sadly it's just more ammunition for the "Mongoose's products are riddled with typos" crowd. Apologies again to the Thunder River crowd - great job guys :)
A massive proofreading goof-up, again? Jesus Christ, after what happened with the core, you'd think they'd be a bit more careful.


Jeremy Harper
J Harper said:
A massive proofreading goof-up, again? Jesus Christ, after what happened with the core, you'd think they'd be a bit more careful.


Jeremy Harper

At least it wasn't truly stupid stuff like "SPELLB.OOK" this time. It was simply poor grammatical construction. Still, it's far from good.