I think this illustrates my earlier comment about npcs with unknown secrets and lack of adventure hooks that tie in with the material.Signy said:Robin Laws replied about this issue in his blog http://robin-d-laws.livejournal.com/161588.htmlUrox said:Nitpik: This Mistress Race troll that repeatedly bears trollkin...
And yes, anything to do with mistress race trolls breaks the rules, but "bears fewer trollkin per litter" seems off-base IIRC as all multiple-births are considered trollkin.
And to top it off, why would you go to to Guhan (the land ruled by male trolls) to interview one of the mistress trolls of Halikiv? Mr. Laws seemed to have fumbled his reply there....
A nitpik about Rob Law's reply: It implies that the either Ralios PDF is God Learner document, or that the reproduction results of a mistress race troll are public knowledge...
I think this pretty much jibes with my review, and confirms the suspecion that Second Age is going to be a generic sourcebook, not RQ-specific.Rob Law's Blog said:This is material that got squeezed out of the main book and is at present scheduled only for electronic publication. Along with an overview of Glorantha’s cultures, races and places, the book presents a detailed campaign setting, the Safelster region of city-states. The Ralios material complements this, depicting the wild hinterlands surrounding Safelster. If you’re new to Glorantha, you’ll need to hold off and check out the main book to get the necessary grounding. Old hands will need little assistance with the references. Like the rest of the book, Ralios contains only glancing references to the rules. So this material works for you whether you’re using Mongoose RQ, an earlier edition, Heroquest, or any other set of rules.