Race of Glorantha Vol 1 Release date?


Dear Mongoose,

And any ideas when Vol 2 may be out too...if that's OK by you?

I'm looking forward to the new crop of RQ Glorantha stuff (and the HQ Glorantha stuff too for that matter).

Go Loz, Pete & the team! :D
Volume 1 is currently at print, and we are just waiting to hear back from the printers.

We have set no dates for volume 2 as yet.
msprange said:
Volume 1 is currently at print, and we are just waiting to hear back from the printers.

We have set no dates for volume 2 as yet.

Great. I'll wait patiently for Vol 2. At least you have two of the best Races out first, and what looks like a treatise on one of their food sources...
Is there any update on this?

approaching the end of the month now and I need something to read on train to work :P
Amazon.com lists Races of Glorantha, vol 1 and Empires as releasing July 13, 2010. Of course, that is just their best estimate of when they will have the books to ship.

I have pre-ordered Empires, and may do the same for Races of Glorantha.
We are just waiting for Races to come back from the printers! We will likely have it in our hands for Continuum (yay!), though it may be the first or second week of July before some shops get it in, depending on where they are located.
Don't rush them. At this point, I think Mongoose's biggest problem is sending books to the printer without allowing enough time for proofing and editing.