Well, D and D was the first game I played in, and I played a Paladin, and I didn't even know what one was.
I'd say for lack of a better word I do not have a detailed definition or something I could relate to.
I'd say going the Scott Summers route might be the right way, but less 'ass-hole-ish'.
My Paladin is aligned to the God of justice at the moment. He drinks a lot...
Also, I have a cursed shield for him which adds to defence but makes his facial hair grow at a rapid rate.
I tried to stop the part from looting a corpse once, was pormptly told to mind my own business, and then subsequently tried it and got given out to for being a hypocrite.
I also said a few inappropriate things once, but no cursing and blinding, just really out of place stuff...
My hearts there, just not the....