Banded Mongoose
Hi, I'm reading Mongoose Traveller so I can run/play 2300AD. p.71 in the combat chapter says that for initiative Travellers should make a DEX or INT check. The Effect of this check is their initiative for the combat. The difficulty level isn't stated but I'm guessing is probably Average (8+). If I've understood it correctly the Effect is simply the difference between the total rolled and the target number and the target number is the same for everyone in this context.
So doesn't the initiative rule really just reduce down to roll 2d6, add the highest of either your DEX or INT mods and the highest total goes first? i.e subtracting an arbitrary target number from the total makes no difference because the mechanic is not trying to asses success or failure, simply ordinality.
So doesn't the initiative rule really just reduce down to roll 2d6, add the highest of either your DEX or INT mods and the highest total goes first? i.e subtracting an arbitrary target number from the total makes no difference because the mechanic is not trying to asses success or failure, simply ordinality.