Question for NA Fans (it is about Fleets)


Staff member
Reading through another thread, and I had something of a revelation - perhaps more of a 'duh' moment, as the idea occured is so obvious...

Anyway, a great many of you are waiting for Fleets of the Fading Suns, which has all sorts of new goodies for Noble Armada. However, it has been delayed for many, many reasons, most linked with some of the specific models.

But... the book itself is complete. Has been for months. We have been waiting for the rest of the models to come through so we can have pretty painted miniatures in the fleet lists. However, it occurs that is not strictly essential for people wanting to get their hands on the latest rules...

So, I would like to propose that we insert 3D images of said ships into the relevant areas (and we are only talking about the Vau and Church fleets, with a small handful of Noble House vessels), and put Fleets up on Wargame Vault. It will be updated with proper photos when we have them and, of course, a hard copy will be available then as well.

But it will mean you get to play with everything in Fleets, well, within a few days. All it needs is those 3D images, and an approval from Holistic (they have had drafts of the supplement for a while, so cannot imagine that will take long).

Should have suggested this before, my apologies, but this really only just occured to me!

Anyway, is this something you would liek to see happen?
It would be good and that gets my vote. We had finished the playtests a while ago.

The things I would not like to see from the fanbase.

1) Moaning that this is not the completed book (ie painted model piccies).
2) Moaning that they cannot get the mini's.

Remember that we asked for the rules first without the nice pictures for some of the ships. Also we could not wait for a few weeks until all this is in place full rule book and mini's.

I would like not see the moaning begin because of this.
I think that this would definatly be a very good option for you, and I for one approve.

Pictures of painted miniatures, while nice, aren't particularly essential. After all, who hasn't proxied a model or two in a game?

I honestly don't think that those of us who have been waiting for Fleets would mind just having wireframe or 3D pics in place of the real thing. That would in fact be more than some other companies do ;)

So yeah, go for it.

While I like this idea in principle, I think it would depend mainly on the price. The last thing I want to be doing is spending £24.99 on a PDF and then £24.99 on the hard copy when its released.

The shiny pictures aren't an issue and depending on the quality of the rendered pics, I would even go as far as saying I'd be happy to buy a hard copy of the book with the rendered pics rather than shiny photos as long as the ships are still clearly identifiable and look like what the figures look like.

What I would think would be ideal from a customer point of view if for example if I pre-order my copy of Fleets (as it's there for pre-order at the minute), you send a hard copy when it comes out and if there a low quality PDF available you could immediately send them on to every person who pre-ordered it. Not sure how commercially viable that is but I solves a lot of the issues. Hell I'd even be happy if I pre-ordered it and you sent me a text document so we get all the additional rules and ship stats just until the book comes out.
thelostcity said:
While I like this idea in principle, I think it would depend mainly on the price. The last thing I want to be doing is spending £24.99 on a PDF and then £24.99 on the hard copy when its released.

Well that you can dismiss out of hand. PDF is always cheaper than dead tree.

Maybe mongoose could put it available for preorders in bits&mortar store who could immediately deliver the PDF and book when it comes up? Sort of like it's now except book takes even longer(I had the PDF version of star fleet rules lot faster than dead tree. No surprise since it takes time for it to come to Finland from England. PDF comes lot faster :)
I 100% support your idea msprange both because I want the rules and because the longer NA languishes with no releases the more and more people will forget about it. Miniatures games thrive on constant releases, whether rules or miniatures so it's probably best to show there's signs of life to get people playing and buying.
Much prefer hard copy, just don't run any Fleets based tourneys at Mongoose HQ before I've had a chance to read the hardcopy and I won't mind too much.

I think it's a good idea, go for it. Getting the rules and ship stats is more important as we can always proxy models.

If I can get a cheap PDF now, then pick up the book later (possibly at a discount for those that did buy the PDF), then everybody's happy. Most of us will likely buy the printed version as we like to know how these ships should be painted.

As for the fanbase, I think they have been tolerant and patient, all considered. Look at all the film and tv projects and franchises that failed because they made the mistake of not communicating with the fanbase.
Sounds like a good idea to me. Even with good reasons behind it, the delay of Fleets has been annoying. This would make it seem like there was actually movement again, whch is good. I would definately get a copy, depending on the price.
Like it but - to Clanger - a "few weeks" would have been fine but it has been months and months with very little word and no progress when those few words were made available. You can insist on ignoring this reality but it lessens the impact of your "mature response" jibe at the fanbase...

Rather than just using the raw 3D images, why not take things a little further?

Over on the Star Fleet side of the equation, Xander Fulton has done a great job of taking some of Sandrine's images of the Starline 2500 designs into more dramatic scenes; see how the Fasthawk went from this to this, as but one example.

Perhaps an artist could do something similar with the 3D images in version 1 of the FotFS file?
Okay, this is what we will do;

1. After final approval from Holistic (hope that won't take too long), we will post the file on Drivethru, likely at $14.99, our usual PDF price for a book of this nature. This will be automatically updated as and when.

2. If you have already pre-ordered the hardcopy (or are about to), make sure you are registered on Drivethru - we will send you the PDF free as soon as it is available, and send on the hardcopy as that appears.

3. NA tournament, Mongoose HQ, using the rules from Fleets, June 30th or August 4th?
So long as your email address is on our system, you need do nothing else. If it is not, we'll be in ctonact!