Stormcrow the White Wolf
Other than the disciplines of the Kai regarding psychic powers and the psychic combat rules, there are no psychic powers of any type in the Lone Wolf RPG books. Is there any plan of of creating them?
Baron Von Ed said:These are quite inventive suggestions; the only problem is after a while the Kai Lord in the party is going to feel a bit picked on when he starts finding most of his opponents have psychic defenses.
Wannabe Drakkar said:One thing that must piss of Kai Lords is their psychic defenses seem honed to other kai lords, like how often is it ya have to fight for your life coz your old mentor turned to the darkside??? the rules should have been more general and less anti-darkai
MongooseAugust said:I would honestly think (and did when I wrote it) that the +1 to Will saves at each tier would be enough, especially given the other benefits as listed below. I am in no hurry to make it even MORE effective given how powerful the Kai Lord already is.
That said, there is another class coming up (possibly in Warriors of Magnamund, potentially called Might of Magnamund in keeping with the Magic of Magnamund book) with access to the Midblast discipline. More on that (or even the offical approval of the book) I cannot say...
Stormcrow the White Wolf said:Mindshield (and Psi Shield for that matter) does a couple of things at current
1. Blocks any Mindblast effect equal to the Tier of the shield or lower
2. Adds +1 to the Kai Lord's will save per Tier
3. Blocks the following special attacks from Darkspawn or Right-Handed Magic
Level 4 blocks Fear Feeding of Mind Reaper
Right Handed Magic
Path of Kraushnith
Level 4 of Mindshield negates Bitter Caress (Tier 1 spell of Path of Kraushnith)
Path of Naar
Level 3 of Mindshield negates Mind Grasp (Tier 1 spell of Path of Naar)
Level 5 of Mindshield negates Chain the Will (Tier 2 spell of Path of Naar)
Path of Tharrayn
Level 4 negates Derange (Tier 1 spell of Path of Tharrayn due to the constant psychic shield) and Level 2 will negate it if the Kai Lord creates the shield
Level 4 Mindshield (or enabled Level 2 psychic shield) gives a +3 bonus to save vs. Vicious Mania (Tier II spell of Path of Tharrayn)
Path of Vurnos
Path of Xhagvash
Grants 1 point of Damage Resistance vs psychic attacks per Tier.
Blocks Psi-Surge disciplines equal to level of shield
vs Darkspawn
Level 1 blocks Unnerving gaze of Vordak
vs Right Handed Magic
Path of Kraushnith
Level 1 blocks Withdrawl (Tier II of Path of Kraushnith)
Path of Naar
Level 3 of Psi-Screen blocks Naar's Domination (Tier III spell of Path of Naar)
No effect on any other Darkspawn or Right-Handed Paths.