Cosmic Mongoose
"if the Psion gains the skill for a talent they do not yet possess, they may attempt another roll to learn that talent"
The problem with this is that if you apply this learning DM to that check per page 228:
"-1 Per previous talent acquisition check"
Then this part of the rule on pg229 that allows a recheck becomes meaningless because all checks would automatically have a -3 to -4 DM because why wouldn't you try to roll for every power at testing? Why wait?
I am thinking of a rule that states:
"if the Psion gains the skill for a talent they do not yet possess, they may attempt another roll to learn that talent, applying the same learning DM for the talent, but instead of -1 per previous check, they will instead have a DM of -1 per previous talent acquired already"
This means they have a real second chance at that missing talent if they only have 1 or 2, they wont need massive record keeping of previous attempts that failed during PSI testing or other attempts, but it does help prevent them from just getting all 5 powers easily.
Does anyone see a problem with having such a change in the rule? I mainly just don't want every Psion who rolls a talent they don't have to go "Yay! I don't have that one yet, what? -4 (or -5, -6 -8 if previously rolled)?!? It just seems silly to say they can try to roll it again when there is normally, in almost every case, no chance of such a roll succeeding and thus they would have wasted the skill roll with nothing to show for it. My change only punishes the greedy, not the previously unlucky.
The problem with this is that if you apply this learning DM to that check per page 228:
"-1 Per previous talent acquisition check"
Then this part of the rule on pg229 that allows a recheck becomes meaningless because all checks would automatically have a -3 to -4 DM because why wouldn't you try to roll for every power at testing? Why wait?
I am thinking of a rule that states:
"if the Psion gains the skill for a talent they do not yet possess, they may attempt another roll to learn that talent, applying the same learning DM for the talent, but instead of -1 per previous check, they will instead have a DM of -1 per previous talent acquired already"
This means they have a real second chance at that missing talent if they only have 1 or 2, they wont need massive record keeping of previous attempts that failed during PSI testing or other attempts, but it does help prevent them from just getting all 5 powers easily.
Does anyone see a problem with having such a change in the rule? I mainly just don't want every Psion who rolls a talent they don't have to go "Yay! I don't have that one yet, what? -4 (or -5, -6 -8 if previously rolled)?!? It just seems silly to say they can try to roll it again when there is normally, in almost every case, no chance of such a roll succeeding and thus they would have wasted the skill roll with nothing to show for it. My change only punishes the greedy, not the previously unlucky.
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