Nagisawa said:
Gnarsh said:
Nagisawa said:
CHalk me up for keeping the simpler terms. I'm PERFECTLY fine with using the term 'Rifle' for any type of long gun, while 'pistol' for a sidearm.
Ok. But why use a "simpler" term that is also incorrect?
Is it? Is it really? Or are you just looking for something to nitpick?
Huh!? Yeah. Calling a Blunderbuss a "rifle" is incorrect. What part of the definition of a rifle is confusing?
It would be like creating a list of vehicles and putting "horse drawn carriage" under the "automobile" heading...
Long barrel/Short barrel tells me nothing, they could both be 'rifles/carbines'. Pistol and Rifle tells me one is two handed, the other one.
Now who's being nitpicky? You know darn well that your working use (in game terms) of a "pistol" is a weapon with a short barrel that's held in one hand, while a "rifle" is a weapon with a long barrel that's held in two hands. If that wasn't how you were using them, then why refer to anything with a long barrel held in two hands as a "rifle"?
Thus, those terms could just as easily be replaced with "long/short barrel", or (IMO better yet) simply divided into "1h firearms" and "2h firearms". The latter is best, since it ties right into working game mechanics (you could equip dual pistols within the existing rules, but not dual shotguns or sniper rifles).
Not sure why this is so strongly resisted.
Quality of what? I'm not sure what you're looking for can be found in any game out there that's playable.
Defining weapons with regard to existing game mechanics (one handed vs two handed) isn't playable? I'm not looking for anything super fancy, nor asking for something ridiculously hard. Defining firearms in terms that are not contrary to actual firearm definitions and that *also* happen to be useful in that they tie directly into existing game rules improves the quality of the resulting game.
I don't see the problem. It's incosequential. Mountain out of a molehill. And probably, it's already too late as it's more than likely on the way to the printer.
It's a pretty small mountain though. How hard exactly would it be to replace the word "rifles" with "2h firearms" in a weapons chart and accompanying text? How hard would it be to replace "pistols" with "1h firearms" in the same manner? How much simplier would it be to not have any ambiguity within your game rules as to which ones can be dual weaponed, and which not? Can I use a shield while firing my shotgun? No. When using my flitlock pistol? Absolutely.
The point is that this forum presumably exists specifically so that players can provide feedback to the game developers. The purpose of which is (hopefully) to improve the product. I'm not sure why some feel the need to bash anyone who actually suggests that maybe things might work better if done in a slightly different manner.
There's a wealth of game knowledge represented in forums like this. Mongoose presumably maintains these forums specifically so it can hear this sort of feedback directly. While they're under no onus to actually follow any of the suggestions, they are certainly better off simply for having the ideas available for them to use if they wish.
You may think that this is a minor issue, but clearly it matters enough that several people have commented that it should be changed. That automatically validates the position. It's not your decision as to what Mongoose does with that information, but when people get bashed for making even minor suggestions for improving the game, they'll eventually just stop posting and everyone will lose.