Posts on Hyperion Cruiser

lastbesthope said:
To my knowledge, of the first 9 'numbered' books. Only #9 has officially been declared canon. The Technomage Trilogy, Psi Corps trilogy and the Wheel of Fire trilogy are all considered canon, as presumably are the novelisations of the TV movies (river of Souls never got a novelisation).


I thought that "The Shadow Within" was also canon. I think a lot of the earlier books were written without any involvement from JMS, but I'm pretty sure that this one was! Then again, maybe I'm just getting confused since it is the same author as the Technomage trilogy?
Ghost Dancer said:
lastbesthope said:
To my knowledge, of the first 9 'numbered' books. Only #9 has officially been declared canon. The Technomage Trilogy, Psi Corps trilogy and the Wheel of Fire trilogy are all considered canon, as presumably are the novelisations of the TV movies (river of Souls never got a novelisation).


I thought that "The Shadow Within" was also canon. I think a lot of the earlier books were written without any involvement from JMS, but I'm pretty sure that this one was! Then again, maybe I'm just getting confused since it is the same author as the Technomage trilogy?

To be honest, I don't know for sure. It is the most likely to be accepted into canon. some of the other books events are directly contradicted by the show, A Shadow Within does not have this issue IIRC.

lastbesthope said:
Ghost Dancer said:
lastbesthope said:
To my knowledge, of the first 9 'numbered' books. Only #9 has officially been declared canon. The Technomage Trilogy, Psi Corps trilogy and the Wheel of Fire trilogy are all considered canon, as presumably are the novelisations of the TV movies (river of Souls never got a novelisation).


I thought that "The Shadow Within" was also canon. I think a lot of the earlier books were written without any involvement from JMS, but I'm pretty sure that this one was! Then again, maybe I'm just getting confused since it is the same author as the Technomage trilogy?

To be honest, I don't know for sure. It is the most likely to be accepted into canon. some of the other books events are directly contradicted by the show, A Shadow Within does not have this issue IIRC.


When JMS was at one of the Wolf 359 conventions in Blackpool some years ago he was asked about this - he said it was about 70% canon, but did not say which 70%! :?

He did say that "To Dream in the City of Sorrows" is 100% canon (after all his wife wrote it and he was not going to argue with her!! :lol: )

Traveller-61 said:
When JMS was at one of the Wolf 359 conventions in Blackpool some years ago he was asked about this - he said it was about 70% canon, but did not say which 70%! :?

He did say that "To Dream in the City of Sorrows" is 100% canon (after all his wife wrote it and he was not going to argue with her!! :lol: )


In his defence they did make her jump through EVERY hoop in terms of getting her work approved so that noone could shout favouritism with any justification.

I'll need to reread Shadow Within again and see how much of it I agree with.

I started thinking about that convention I mentioned (which was a Chicago Comic Con) when I heard JMS talk about the books and the Comic books. This was a while ago and the show was still in it's second or third season. I seem to remember that he would give each writer a little nugget of privaliged information. The readers would find out a new peice of the puzzle from reading the books. That was the original idea. JMS mentioned in his introduction to the B5 comic trade paperback that he wasn't pleased with how some of the comics tured out. It wouldn't suprise me if his hopes for that first series of books turned out some failures as well.