Portrait Packs


Emperor Mongoose
There is a request for Mongoose to put out Portrait Packs in the Ask Mongoose threads.
Obviously, something like that would take time.
So I'm suggesting that anyone who owns the IP to their portraits and wants to put them out for free, do so.
The images in this thread are free for non-commercial use. Anyone posting images is asserting that they are the creators of the images, or own the IP.

I didn't get an answer on a preferred size so I am starting with 900x900 and 91x91, as those seem to be the size I made for myself when I was DMing on Fantasy Grounds.
Attached in the zip are 17 Human Males.

Constructive criticism is welcome, but remember that this is what I am capable of (in a day), and it is free.

Two bonus images for future stuff if there is interest:

Human Female 1.png:
Aslan Male 1.png
So I'm suggesting that anyone who owns the IP to their portraits and wants to put them out for free, do so.
The images in this thread are free for non-commercial use. Anyone posting images is asserting that they are the creators of the images, or own the IP.
Under current case law in the US if you create the image with a version of AI you cannot own the IP to the image as they are not copyrightable.
Those images are free to use by anyone who wants to use them.

Where that line for create vrs modify is still being litigated. For photographers in particular it is a very very messy world right now.
Under current case law in the US if you create the image with a version of AI you cannot own the IP to the image as they are not copyrightable.
Those images are free to use by anyone who wants to use them.

Where that line for create vrs modify is still being litigated. For photographers in particular it is a very very messy world right now.

I don't use AI. I use a 3d model in DAZ Studio that I purchase the license for. Art license vs gaming license. Any images rendered under the license are my IP. Can't use the model in a game without a gaming license, but stills, or an animated series of stills is fair game.
This is a model manually shaped to get different faces/body types, manually dressed, manually posed, manually lit, and a virtual camera, with all of the settings of a real camera, positioned, set up and then the virtual image rendered.
If it was AI, I wouldn't have to spend an hour on developing test shots to get the lighting right.
Very glad you are doing them that way.

There are new interesting cases coming along through the system about Photoshop. Can someone use it to modify an image? Two years ago the answer was yes. Now that Adobe has re-branded and added more "AI" elements the answer is unclear.

I was discussing with a professor about their "no AI work in my class, you will write everything, no AI help. No Grammarly either" But they refused to make a statement if their students could use the grammar and spelling check in Word. That is based on the same set of algorithms.

We are in a messy time for IP.
I use Paint Shop Pro, because PS is expensive. My flow for post is desaturate the image, Gaussian blur @ radius 5-7, copy-paste as a new layer, set to overlay, reduce to 30%, clear the haze over the alpha channel.

Some full images, I'll pump up the vibrancy. Others, I'll draw a shape in the middle and paint everything outside it black, then guassian blur that to r100. Reduce opacity to 10-25%.

Paint in light/dark masks for burn/dodge. Highlights/shadows and plasma glows.

So no AI there either.