Dont know of any posions/toxins/tailored self terminating disease statted and for sale.
Considering that at TL8 we have toxics that are heavier than air, then break down into composite gasses and prevent lungs from metabolising. Or whatever that posion that was in the Umberlla delivery system used by the British in WW2.
Deadly Substance
TL 7 Credits: 1000 Weight: N/A
This is a substance which can be made into a powder, gas or liquid. It can be suspended in a medium to be absorbed by the skin. The substance is often tailored toward a particular sophont. However most Deadly Substance works on one Humaniti, works on all of them. Once the Deadly Substanced has been delivered and ingested by the Victim, they die within 1d3+END DM seconds.
Counter Deadly Substance
TL 7 Credits: 2000 Weight: N/A
While Deadly Substances come in a wide variety and are all deadly if not paralizing the body of its victim, it does require an exact counter antidote for it to be effective. So while the Deadly Substance covers in multitude of toxins, posions or chemical warefare agents, this item can only counter one particular substance. It has to applied before the Victim dies. It takes immedietate effect.
Designer Active Deadly Substance
TL 15 Credits: 25000 Weight: N/A
This is a substance which will actively evade the body's defensive systems, including any augumentation of equal or less TL which may affect this Substance from working. The Substance can be formed into any delivery medium and can be targeted to one indivual or made to spread to a finite list of victims and can have complex triggering mechanism. This can be an outside trigger, an internal trigger from the body or a network trigger from all the Substance in the targeted Victim pool. The Substance can linger in the sophont body indefinitely. Once activated the Substance skills the target in 1D3 seconds.
Panacea of Deadly Substances
TL15 Credits 25000 Weight N/A
This is a Substance will try to identify any Deadly Substance equal to it Tech Level. This Substance can be made into any delivery medium but often as a pill or injectible. If a Victim is undergoing the effects of a Deadly Substance, the Panacea will then take immediate effect. Roll 2D vs 10. The Panacea gains a DM equal to the TL difference of the Pancea and the Deadly Substance. It cannot counter a Deadly Substance of higher Tech Level. If ingested by a sophont, the Pancea can linger in the body indefinitely. It can be expunge from the body by any trigger prescribed to the Pancea before admistration. If it is circulating inside the body, it will preform a check for lingering Deadly Substances once every 24hrs. Roll 2D vs 8. The roll gains a DM with the difference between the TL of the Panacea and the Deadly Substance. It cannot detect a Deadly Substance of higher Tech Level. If a Pancea does find a lingering Deadly Substance then use the roll previous to the last one.
The medical drug that slows the metabalism (cant ever remember if thats the fast or slow. I think its the Fast drug), would also be very good anti deadly substance treatment, as you have more time to get them to an ER or emergancy cryotube.