Planetary assaults Question 101


Just checking, One of the most efective ship to make a Planetary assaults its the Secundus- Class Battlecruiser with a Centauri Mass Driver, but who else? Is an another race than have a better ship to do the job?


Btw: Did anyone knows where I could get the stads for the Special edition Volchan PL battle level?
alien027 said:
Just checking, One of the most efective ship to make a Planetary assaults its the Secundus- Class Battlecruiser with a Centauri Mass Driver, but who else? Is an another race than have a better ship to do the job?
Half the entire Dilgar Fleet sems to have Mass Drivers, plus Viral Bombs in some cases.

I doubt the other... changes... made it to the Tournament PDF as they would be irrelevant there.

Wulf Corbett said:
alien027 said:
Just checking, One of the most efective ship to make a Planetary assaults its the Secundus- Class Battlecruiser with a Centauri Mass Driver, but who else? Is an another race than have a better ship to do the job?
Half the entire Dilgar Fleet sems to have Mass Drivers, plus Viral Bombs in some cases.

I doubt the other... changes... made it to the Tournament PDF as they would be irrelevant there.


Do know where I could get the stads for the special Volcha PL level?
Do you mean the Dusk Coutari, the unique Vorchan variant accidentally left out of the Earth-Minbari War sourcebook? It's in the FAQ for the book on the ActA page here.
Do you mean the Dusk Coutari from the Earth/Minbari War book? It is in the EM War FAQ.
Mass drivers aren't that good- short ranged, slow firing, bit pants really, and the Secundus can't drop more than one troop a turn. A combination of bombard and strafe seems to work better than troop assaults; the Balvarix is actually a more effective planetary strike platform, taking out on average eight emplacements and nine troops a round between matter cannon and Sentris, if you can get it to the planet in one piece.
I can't remember if a single ship can bombard a planet and send down troops in the same turn.

On the up side, the Secundus gets a little tweak in kArmageddon.

EA are one of the best placed fleets for a planetary assault, as they have both Skirmish level troop carriers and atmospheric fighters. Don't forget that the Avenger and Poseidon also have the Shuttles trait, which is rather handy. The only trick is getting everything close enough and intact...

With other fleets, the Narn would do ok at higher levels, and the Minbari basically have to rely on fighters to clear out most of the troops. LONAW would have to use a horde of Ikortas as IIRC they lack atmospheric fighters unless they have Raider allies. Dilgar; well 'nuff said. Drakh simply don't have the capability, unless they've got another Shadow Cloud they prepared earlier...
Destroid said:
I can't remember if a single ship can bombard a planet and send down troops in the same turn.

On the up side, the Secundus gets a little tweak in kArmageddon.

EA are one of the best placed fleets for a planetary assault, as they have both Skirmish level troop carriers and atmospheric fighters. Don't forget that the Avenger and Poseidon also have the Shuttles trait, which is rather handy. The only trick is getting everything close enough and intact...

With other fleets, the Narn would do ok at higher levels, and the Minbari basically have to rely on fighters to clear out most of the troops. LONAW would have to use a horde of Ikortas as IIRC they lack atmospheric fighters unless they have Raider allies. Dilgar; well 'nuff said. Drakh simply don't have the capability, unless they've got another Shadow Cloud they prepared earlier...

How bad the secundus came in the Armagendon new book?
Well Dilgar actually get alot of Bombardment stuff, but viral bombs that destroy bunkers without touching the troops......

The Dilgar fighters arent build for groundwork, so it should be hard to get sufficient numbers of troops together, and launch them all quickly enough.

Backgroundwise that does kinda fit, they are good at smashing planets, but not taking them.

Only dem stupid viral bombs......(part of the rules that dont make sense list) grumble grumble
Voronesh said:
Well Dilgar actually get alot of Bombardment stuff, but viral bombs that destroy bunkers without touching the troops......
I refer you to the final sentence of my answer above.
The Dilgar fighters arent build for groundwork, so it should be hard to get sufficient numbers of troops together, and launch them all quickly enough.
I refer you to the final sentence of my answer above.

Wulf Corbett said:
I doubt the other... changes... made it to the Tournament PDF as they would be irrelevant there.


Very cryptic and refers to tournament pdfs, which are soon to be, as you said yourself, irrelevant.

So Armageddon does change Viral bombs to be able to attack troops? I wont get a yes or no out of you as usual, but i dont have any idea what you are talking about.
In the Armageddon FAQ the following are changed:

Secundus gets shuttles.

Virus bombs are clarified as being able to attack troops or emplacements.

Dartfighters are atmospheric
As i said, i have no idea what youre talking about.


Its just that normally youre the guy who will be cryptic unless its already posted.