PDF Versions


Banded Mongoose
Couple of questions about pdf versions of the published books.

1. Is errata included in the pdfs as it is found and a new pdf version issued?

2. How do I know what version of the pdf I have? There appears to be no way to identify a version number. For example, my 2022 Core update pdf only the 2021 publication date for the hardcover.
Peleliu said:
Couple of questions about pdf versions of the published books.

1. Is errata included in the pdfs as it is found and a new pdf version issued?

2. How do I know what version of the pdf I have? There appears to be no way to identify a version number. For example, my 2022 Core update pdf only the 2021 publication date for the hardcover.

1. We do periodic sweeps of the books and update the PDFs - we are going to be doing one on the CRB 2022 very soon, for example.

2. If you download a PDF, you will have the latest. However, we will look at putting version numbers/dates on them.
MongooseMatt said:
However, we will look at putting version numbers/dates on them.


Could you also please look at putting dates on the errata as well as the actual full products?
"However, we will look at putting version numbers/dates on them"

That would be very much appreciated and a nice quality of life addition.
Peleliu said:
"However, we will look at putting version numbers/dates on them"

That would be very much appreciated and a nice quality of life addition.

Yes. Seconded. I know Traveller is Just A Game but players expect consistency from their Referees.

I've just noticed that there are at least two different versions of the Core Rulebook Update and I don't know what the differences are (if any).

The old update has an sha256sum of 43a44af5d66a0de3d2d279171d8b43d3110a71f24a308a6b4f4b3ac01b0da413

Whereas the version I've just downloaded has an sha256sum of fcc0a26682d0df5cefdcbc51d238ec89e6a13c2d77502339e95a17bcbfaa39e9