PC minatures?

ronbogard said:
Is mongoose going to come out with minatures for the RPG?
Who knows... but if they do well in their venture with starship minis, they might go there too...

ronbogard said:
I would like one of a psi-cop.
I have one! Three actually - Bester, Kelsey and an unnamed Psi-Cop.
Of the old Harlequin minis.

Maybe if enough people ask for character minis, and Mongoose sells enough B5 stuff to be able to spend the money, they'll do that kind of min is too... it's up to the customers, if feedback and sales figures show the people at Mongoose that they'll make a profit in such things they'll do it eventually.
So, get many more people to buy their B5 supplements and join you in screaming for B5 character minis.
I'll make tha start...
[-scream for B5 character minis-] :wink: :D
OK, here's some help with the shouting :

[-scream for B5 character minis-]

[-scream for B5 character minis-]

:P 8)
Well, it will be a while yet (we have _way_ too many projects on right now!) but I have been thinking about some sort of 28mm B5 boarding game, perhaps based around the Severed Dreams episode, where the security forces (backed by the Narn) fight against invading EF Marines.

Just an idle thought right now. . .
That would be cool!

Love to see some boarding action type stuff. Even expand it beyond Severed Dreams and do things like pirate raids, Narn / Centuari commando fights, PsiCorp covert interdictions, etc.

I have a bunch of the old Harlequin minis, which I've been itching to paint. They look good, however, they're likeness aren't all that great. However, that makes for some good RPG minis since you can take that Sinclair figure and make him just any Earthforce Officer.

I was even thinking about the Copplestone Castings Assault Troopers as Earthforce troopers. They look alot like the boarding party seen on Severed Dreams.
msprange said:
Well, it will be a while yet (we have _way_ too many projects on right now!) but I have been thinking about some sort of 28mm B5 boarding game, perhaps based around the Severed Dreams episode, where the security forces (backed by the Narn) fight against invading EF Marines.
Drool... Matt, you sure keep delivering! A question you may not be cleared to answer or I may not be cleared to know : When will your B5 license expire ? It would be sad if you don't get enough time to realize all your great ideas...

CmdrKiley said:
Love to see some boarding action type stuff. Even expand it beyond Severed Dreams and do things like pirate raids, Narn / Centuari commando fights, PsiCorp covert interdictions, etc.
I have a bunch of the old Harlequin minis, which I've been itching to paint. They look good, however, they're likeness aren't all that great. However, that makes for some good RPG minis since you can take that Sinclair figure and make him just any Earthforce Officer.
I was even thinking about the Copplestone Castings Assault Troopers as Earthforce troopers. They look alot like the boarding party seen on Severed Dreams.
Great ideas all around, too bad I don't have any of the Arlequin serie. The Copplestone Castings Assault Troopers would indeed fit the bill for Gropos...
With regards to the licence, we have a good while to go yet and, with your continued support, I would be fairly confident of it extending further down the road. . .
Well, it will be a while yet (we have _way_ too many projects on right now!) but I have been thinking about some sort of 28mm B5 boarding game, perhaps based around the Severed Dreams episode, where the security forces (backed by the Narn) fight against invading EF Marines.
Hmmm... sounds interesting.
I hope you'll be able to go there one day... and I hope these minis will be made to match the Harlequin ones (so I can use then together), and branch out into not only soldiers but also all the possible player and non-player characters running through the game...

I was even thinking about the Copplestone Castings Assault Troopers as Earthforce troopers. They look alot like the boarding party seen on Severed Dreams.
...well, actually they look more like the Colonial Marines from "Aliens", but since the Earthforce troopers also look a good bit like those (except for the guns)... Do you already have these minis? If so, how do they look next to Harlequins? I'm a bit afraid that many minis will be too thick and clunky to look good together with the Harlequin stuff - a pity, because I actually prefer the latter...

With regards to the licence, we have a good while to go yet and, with your continued support, I would be fairly confident of it extending further down the road. . .
ShadowScout said:
With regards to the licence, we have a good while to go yet and, with your continued support, I would be fairly confident of it extending further down the road. . .

I second those sentiments...must continue to have Bab 5 fix or I'll be cranky.. honest :)
ShadowScout said:
I was even thinking about the Copplestone Castings Assault Troopers as Earthforce troopers. They look alot like the boarding party seen on Severed Dreams.
...well, actually they look more like the Colonial Marines from "Aliens", but since the Earthforce troopers also look a good bit like those (except for the guns)... Do you already have these minis? If so, how do they look next to Harlequins? I'm a bit afraid that many minis will be too thick and clunky to look good together with the Harlequin stuff - a pity, because I actually prefer the latter...

They Copplestone ones are about the same size - the originals these were based off of were sculpted by (Mark) Copplestone back in the late 80's early 90's for the Grenadier Killzone range before scale creep had really got going. Now those ones with the right paintjob are spot on for EA marines as seen in Crusade and season 4/5 B5, more so than the current one. You can still get those from EM4 miniatures (http://www.em4miniatures.com) who have the original moulds for most of the Grenadier UK range. Well worth a visit if you're into near future or something passably close to it figure gaming...
I've got some of the Copplestone marines painted up as GROPOS and they are very much in scale with the Harelquin figures :D

One word of warning for the EM4 miniatures - the plastic ones are true 25mm scale and look small compared to the B5 ones.

Of course the new ST figs could be pushed in service as GROPOS, especially the MI from the film.

And just for the record I'm all in favour of a B5 boarding game (or better still a general B5 skirmish game) and would buy it!
(and have it on sale next week please... :twisted: )

You could try this link, they may still have some ?

I am a big fan of the D&D plastic minatures. Decent quality, quantity at a fair price. Much cheaper than metal mini's. I would buy B5 mini's without a moments hesitation if they are good, a few of them per box/pack and the price isnt extreme.
I am a big fan of the D&D plastic minatures. Decent quality, quantity at a fair price. Much cheaper than metal mini's. I would buy B5 mini's without a moments hesitation if they are good, a few of them per box/pack and the price isnt extreme.

Well... I really dislike plastic minis. Lower weight, meaning more likely to take a dive off the table when people don't pay attention or have an wondow open, break easier and are hard to repair, and are not so good for conversions.

And I was once told by someone in the mini business that making plastic mini molds is even more expensive then metal mini molds, just the actual mini material costs are less. So plastic minis only get cheaper when they sell huge numbers (though that info might have changed in the meantime - it was some years ago).

So, I really prefer metal for most minis - except clear plastic for "invisible" minis - that was a good idea. Hmmm... metal & plastic Shadows and ShadowWarriors... that would be nice... And I suppose an metal jumpgate mini with a colored plastic vortex effect would be an good effect too...

Still, when it comes to playing minis, I would choose metal any day; and add an metal hex-base too for extra stability (Ral Partha made some good ones once, I'll have to see if they still do 'em as Iron Wind Metals...)
While injection molding has gotten more complex, in order to be cost effective you have to move a gimongous amount of models. As proof of this, look at GW. Very few of their "specialized units" are entirely plastic. Most are, at best plastic bodies with metal bitz.

So cost wise for "small" runs it's much more effective to cast metal minis...