Outright Theft of the Dodge/Parry rules


I'm planning the above despicable crime, and am looking for some willing accomplices.

In short, I'm looking at changing the classes (including some of the advanced classes) from D20 Modern to replace their defense value with Dodge and Parry values.

Its not actually for a modern game, so training to parry is a perfectly sensible addition to the strong class, for example.

Any suggestions gratefully received.

Thoughts so far:

Strong Hero and Tough Hero, also Soldier and Bodyguard: These classes represent those for whom swordsmanship is paramount, and so they rely on their skillful blades to turn aside blows.

Level: Dodge/Parry:
.. 1 .......... 0/0
.. 2 .......... 1/1
.. 3 .......... 1/2
.. 4 .......... 2/3
.. 5 .......... 2/3
.. 6 .......... 3/4
.. 7 .......... 3/5
.. 8 .......... 4/6
.. 9 .......... 4/6
. 10 .......... 5/7

Fast Hero, Infiltrator, Daredevil. These heroes employ speed and stealth, and their training reflects more the ability to get out of the way than it does defending themselves with a sword. That said, they are still in very military roles.

Level: Dodge/Parry:
.. 1 .......... 0/0
.. 2 .......... 1/1
.. 3 .......... 2/1
.. 4 .......... 3/2
.. 5 .......... 3/2
.. 6 .......... 4/3
.. 7 .......... 5/3
.. 8 .......... 6/4
.. 9 .......... 6/4
. 10 .......... 7/5

Dedicated Hero, Field Scientist, Field Medic. These heroes still have a place on the battlefield, but they simply don't have the time to dedicate to combat training.

Level: Dodge/Parry:
.. 1 .......... 0/0
.. 2 .......... 1/1
.. 3 .......... 1/1
.. 4 .......... 2/2
.. 5 .......... 2/2
.. 6 .......... 3/3
.. 7 .......... 3/3
.. 8 .......... 4/4
.. 9 .......... 4/4
. 10 .......... 5/5

Smart Hero, Charismatic Hero, Techie, Telepath.
These people don't get shot at very often - but nobody in this setting can grow to adulthood without some training with the sword

Level: Dodge/Parry:
.. 1 .......... 0/0
.. 2 .......... 0/1
.. 3 .......... 1/1
.. 4 .......... 1/2
.. 5 .......... 1/2
.. 6 .......... 2/3
.. 7 .......... 2/3
.. 8 .......... 3/4
.. 9 .......... 3/4
. 10 .......... 3/5
Without knowing anything about the world you are using them in, they don't look bad.

Heres a couple of things I would look at. I would think that the Scientist and medic classes would have lower than good in at least one, probably parry. I also noticed that none of the classes have a bad parry score with all topping at 5 or better at tenth. Depending on the world that may be unbalancing, but that would be your call. I would think that maybe the Smart, Charismatic, Tech and telepath shouould follow the poor progression like the Scholar class from Conan topping at 3 in both by 10th level but again that would be a setting factor.
thinking about the same thing for dnd. The fighter=soldier, rogue=thief, sorceror/wizard=scholar, cleric/druid=noble, et cetera. Barbarian=barbarian. Ranger= borderer. The monk would probably use the soldier's bonuses, with the classes a.c. bonuses stacked on top of them.