OT: Distant Guns


Anybody seen this computer game from Storm Eagle Games:


I downloaded the demo this weekend and tried it out. Its pretty fun! But they're going to be coming out with Jutland later this year. . . so I'm going to wait for that one!

Might be a good thing to tide us over until we get the VAS:WWI supplement!
Distant guns does indeed rock. That's why I'm so excited about Jutland!

Just hope I don't have to buy a new computer to run it! LOL!! Although I had no problems whatsoever with DG, so hopefully they won't have updated the hardware requirements so much that it doesn't work.
Le sigh, sign of the times where graphics is more important than gameplay.

I couldn't care if I was looking at a 10 polygon model or a 10billion poly model, if the game didn't last 10 minutes and the gameplay consisted of button mashing it would be just as crap either way.

Looks good - decent naval sims are few and far between, aside from good ol' silent hunter, and obviously Harpoon.