There seems to be two, major, camps here. Setting vs Rules. Me, I personally want both. I want the classes (Especially a Mongoose/Dever approved Grandmaster Kai class since I don't have as much interest in the time line the books are set in, but rather the time line of the actual game books) but I also want the setting. Even though I don't USE the setting, I adore Lone Wolf. I want to read about the setting for my own enjoyment. For the love of all that Joe Dever started. Here "across the pond" in the States most people I know don't know about Lone Wolf at all, unless they have heard me rave about it. The gaming store I go to orders everything in the line specifically for me, as nobody else has ever even asked about it. The people I Role Play with have other interests in terms of worlds to RP on. So information on the setting is MY indulgence. Something I want, and use to flesh out my character's backgrounds (Travel between planes is not unheard of within our games). The classes I rather need as I actually use those. But ultimately, a book that provides setting and classes, is ideal for me. It gives me the best of both worlds, stuff I can use and things I just want, and ultimately as a result more bang for my buck.